New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop Location on a map of Horbury Wakefield

The New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop is located on New Road in Horbury Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire. Vehicle travel North-East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop by click this link. New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop Map

Location informations for New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop

Name: New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop
Street: New Road
Near Place: *
Town: Horbury
Locality: Horbury
Parent Locality: Wakefield
Unitary Authority Area: West Yorkshire
Region: Yorkshire
Direction of Travel: North-East (NE)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 45022273 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 450022273
Bus Stop Latitude : 53.659707
Bus Stop Longitude : -1.552552
DMS coordinates : 53°39'34.94469564" N 1°33'9.1865808" W
OS Grid Coordinates : SE296182
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 595648.66 N: 5946634.85
Current time and date at New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop is 02:10:11 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop.

What is the nearest train station to New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop?

List of Railway Stations near to New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop
The nearest railway stations to New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop
Wakefield Westgate Station4.01 Km
Sandal And Agbrigg Station4.70 Km
Wakefield Kirkgate Station4.71 Km
Dewsbury Station6.41 Km
Outwood Station6.77 Km
Ravensthorpe Station7.01 Km
Batley Station7.26 Km
Darton Station8.05 Km
Mirfield Station9.31 Km
Normanton Station9.64 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop?

List of Stops near to New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop
New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop0 m
Twitch Hill High Street Bus Stop (Opp 2)70 m
New Rd Church Lane Bus Stop (stop)85 m
Cluntergate Walker Lane Bus Stop (Opp 45A)98 m
High Street Queen St Bus Stop (after)118 m
Cluntergate Walker Lane Bus Stop (adj)145 m
Primary School Bus Stop (after)194 m
High Street Queen St Bus Stop (opp)201 m
Northgate Golden Square Bus Stop241 m
Primary School Bus Stop (at)251 m

Cities or Towns near New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop (15 km)

List of places near to New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop

Horbury0.23 Km
Hall Cliffe0.44 Km
Addingford0.65 Km
Horbury Junction0.85 Km
Spring End0.95 Km
Ossett Spa1.38 Km
Horbury Bridge1.52 Km
South Ossett1.58 Km
Calder Grove1.63 Km
Lupset1.68 Km
Low Common1.82 Km
Great Cliff1.92 Km
Haggs Hill1.99 Km
Coxley2.05 Km
Durkar2.19 Km
Crigglestone2.45 Km
Netherton2.45 Km
Healey2.74 Km
Borough Corner2.82 Km
Shepherd Hill2.87 Km
Ossett2.92 Km
Flushdyke3.11 Km
Middlestown3.12 Km
Flanshaw3.15 Km
Runtlings3.15 Km
Thornes3.16 Km
Town End3.23 Km
Painthorpe3.28 Km
Westgate Common3.31 Km
Clayton Hill3.40 Km
Kettlethorpe3.48 Km
New Scarborough3.49 Km
New Brighton3.54 Km
Paleside3.56 Km
Brooks Bank3.56 Km
Hall Green3.69 Km
Alverthorpe3.71 Km
Chapelthorpe3.71 Km
Hollingthorpe3.80 Km
Overton3.93 Km
Stand Bridge3.96 Km
Midgley4.07 Km
St Johns4.16 Km
Newmillerdam4.19 Km
Portobello4.24 Km
Belle Isle4.28 Km
Thornhill4.29 Km
Woolgreaves4.31 Km
Sandal4.33 Km
Ossett Street Side4.33 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop

List of Historic places near to New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop

NameDistances from New Road Twitch Hill Bus Stop
Sandal Castle4.05 Km
National Coal Mining Museum for England4.73 Km
Bagshaw Museum9.75 Km
Nostell Priory10.83 Km
Monk Bretton Priory13.97 Km