Darton Railway Station Location Map, Where is Darton Station?

Darton train station is a National Rail station managed by Northern. Station code for Darton is DRT. The National Location Code (NLC) is 8420. Postcode for Darton is S75 5HX.

Location informations for Darton Station

Station Code : DRT
Postcode : S75 5HX
Latitude : 53.588369
Longitude : -1.531658
DMS coordinates : 53°35'18.12685130628" N 1°31'53.96726883024" W
OS Grid Reference : SE310102
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 597193.06 N: 5938727.29
Current time and date at Darton is 05:51:14 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Live Darton DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Darton ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Darton Station

What is the nearest train station to Darton?

List of Railway Stations near to Darton
The nearest railway stations to Darton are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Darton
Dodworth Station4.90 Km
Barnsley Station5.22 Km
Silkstone Common Station6.30 Km
Denby Dale Station8.86 Km
Sandal And Agbrigg Station8.94 Km
Penistone Station9.22 Km
Wakefield Kirkgate Station10.43 Km
Wakefield Westgate Station10.66 Km
Wombwell Station10.98 Km
Shepley Station11.44 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Darton?

List of Stops near to Darton
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Darton are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Darton
Darton Rail Station0 m
Darton Rail Station (Entrance)144 m
Woolley Colliery Road Bus Stop (adj)167 m
Woolley Colliery Road Bus Stop (opp)175 m
School Street Bus Stop (nr)238 m
School Street Bus Stop (adj)238 m
Church Close Bus Stop (opp)267 m
Health Centre Bus Stop (adj)284 m
The Woolley Bus Stop (Opp)300 m
The Woolley Bus Stop (O/S)306 m

Cities or Towns near Darton (15 km)

List of places near to Darton

Darton0.41 Km
Woolley Grange0.87 Km
Kexbrough1.32 Km
Barugh1.76 Km
Low Barugh1.84 Km
Mapplewell1.85 Km
Staincross1.91 Km
Haigh2.05 Km
Barugh Green2.26 Km
Redbrook2.74 Km
Woolley3.00 Km
Higham3.01 Km
Cawthorne3.41 Km
Gawber3.42 Km
Wilthorpe3.44 Km
New Lodge3.66 Km
Higham Common3.82 Km
High Hoyland3.88 Km
Athersley North3.93 Km
Pogmoor4.02 Km
West Bretton4.12 Km
Honeywell4.12 Km
Old Town4.13 Km
Athersley South4.39 Km
Tivy Dale4.55 Km
Smithies4.58 Km
Hollingthorpe4.66 Km
Fall Bank4.70 Km
Notton4.79 Km
Silkstone4.86 Km
Gateway Plaza4.87 Km
Keresforth Hill5.00 Km
Hall Green5.04 Km
Barnsley5.05 Km
Dodworth5.07 Km
Shaw Lands5.17 Km
Clayton West5.18 Km
Royston5.20 Km
Painthorpe5.21 Km
Chapelthorpe5.36 Km
Dodworth Green5.38 Km
Noblethorpe5.45 Km
Carlton5.65 Km
Monk Bretton5.72 Km
Dodworth Bottom5.73 Km
Newmillerdam5.80 Km
Crigglestone5.89 Km
South Lane5.96 Km
Gilroyd5.98 Km
Midgley5.99 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Darton

List of Historic places near to Darton

NameDistances from Darton
Wentworth Castle Gardens7.17 Km
Monk Bretton Priory7.34 Km
Sandal Castle8.33 Km
National Coal Mining Museum for England8.43 Km
Nostell Priory11.79 Km
Wentworth, Holy Trinity Church14.00 Km
