Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj) Location on a map of Boston

The Municipal Buildings Bus Stop is located on West Street in Boston Boston, Lincolnshire, East Midlands. Vehicle travel West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj) by click this link. Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj) Map

Location informations for Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj)

Name: Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj)
Street: West Street
Near Place: Municipal Buildings
Locality: Boston
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Lincolnshire
Region: East Midlands
Indicator: adj
Direction of Travel: West (W)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: linadada (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 270002701437
Bus Stop Latitude : 52.976197
Bus Stop Longitude : -0.027991
DMS coordinates : 52°58'34.30892532" N 0°1'40.7681094" W
OS Grid Coordinates : TF325439
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 699537.74 N: 5873756
Current time and date at Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj) is 05:58:32 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj).

What is the nearest train station to Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj)?

List of Railway Stations near to Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj)
The nearest railway stations to Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj)
Boston Station291 m
Hubberts Bridge Station5.53 Km
Swineshead Station10.68 Km
Heckington Station17.81 Km
Thorpe Culvert Station22.31 Km
Spalding Station22.56 Km
Wainfleet Station22.67 Km
Ruskington Station24.69 Km
Havenhouse Station25.33 Km
Sleaford Station25.68 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj)?

List of Stops near to Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj)
Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj)0 m
Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (opp)16 m
Bus Station (Bay 1)67 m
Bus Station (Bay 2)71 m
Bus Station (Bay 3)75 m
Bus Station (Bay 4)81 m
Bus Station (Bay 5)86 m
Bus Station (Bay 6)92 m
Bus Station Bus Stop92 m
Bus Station (Bay 7)98 m

Cities or Towns near Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj) (15 km)

List of places near to Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj)

Boston0.06 Km
Skirbeck Quarter1.41 Km
Skirbeck1.81 Km
Burton Corner1.87 Km
Wyberton2.17 Km
Wyberton Fen2.42 Km
Hall Hills2.69 Km
Willoughby Hills2.84 Km
Cowbridge3.35 Km
Frampton3.50 Km
Frampton West End3.55 Km
Boston West3.57 Km
Frith Bank3.72 Km
Boston Long Hedges3.86 Km
Fishtoft4.03 Km
Hilldyke4.12 Km
Haltoft End4.53 Km
Frampton Fen4.73 Km
Anton's Gowt4.77 Km
Fishtoft Drove5.12 Km
Brand End5.14 Km
Freiston5.20 Km
Brothertoft5.52 Km
Kirton End5.69 Km
Kirton5.69 Km
Hubbert's Bridge5.75 Km
High Ferry5.99 Km
Tamworth Green6.23 Km
Sandholme6.39 Km
Butterwick6.42 Km
Kirton Holme6.55 Km
Scrane End6.60 Km
West End6.81 Km
Frithville6.89 Km
Langrick Bridge6.92 Km
Skeldyke6.93 Km
Strugg's Hill7.08 Km
Freiston Shore7.31 Km
Benington7.32 Km
Blackjack7.44 Km
Gipsey Bridge7.44 Km
Hedgehog Bridge7.45 Km
Fenhouses7.49 Km
Sibsey7.53 Km
Seadyke7.70 Km
Langrick7.84 Km
Fishmere End8.12 Km
Baythorpe8.35 Km
Benington Sea End8.41 Km
Bucklegate8.47 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj)

List of Historic places near to Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj)

NameDistances from Municipal Buildings Bus Stop (adj)
Boston Stump0.33 Km
Boston Guildhall Museum0.36 Km
Boston Centenary Church0.49 Km
Sibsey Trader Windmill7.57 Km