Wainfleet Railway Station Location Map, Where is Wainfleet Station?

Wainfleet train station is a National Rail station managed by East Midlands Trains. Station code for Wainfleet is WFL. The National Location Code (NLC) is 6268. Postcode for Wainfleet is PE24 2DR.

Location informations for Wainfleet Station

Station Code : WFL
Postcode : PE24 2DR
Latitude : 53.105125
Longitude : 0.234727
DMS coordinates : 53°6'18.44857831356" N 0°14'5.01819207336" E
OS Grid Reference : TF496587
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 31U E: 314892.61 N: 5887538.45
Current time and date at Wainfleet is 10:06:31 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Live Wainfleet DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Wainfleet ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Wainfleet Station

What is the nearest train station to Wainfleet?

List of Railway Stations near to Wainfleet
The nearest railway stations to Wainfleet are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Wainfleet
Havenhouse Station2.77 Km
Thorpe Culvert Station3.09 Km
Skegness Station7.88 Km
Boston Station22.70 Km
Hubberts Bridge Station27.22 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Wainfleet?

List of Stops near to Wainfleet
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Wainfleet are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Wainfleet
Wainfleet Rail Station0 m
Wainfleet Rail Station (Entrance)14 m
Wainfleet Rail Station Bus Stop14 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (adj)33 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (opp)61 m
Market Place Bus Stop (opp)193 m
Demand Responsive Area Bus Stop203 m
Market Place Bus Stop (adj)214 m
Vicarage Lane Bus Stop (opp)288 m
Vicarage Lane Bus Stop (adj)295 m

Cities or Towns near Wainfleet (15 km)

List of places near to Wainfleet

Wainfleet All Saints0.31 Km
Wainfleet St Mary0.42 Km
Wainfleet Tofts1.74 Km
Croft2.26 Km
Thorpe St Peter2.40 Km
Wainfleet Bank2.48 Km
Thorpe Culvert3.11 Km
Wheelbridge3.26 Km
Friskney Eaudyke3.72 Km
Wainfleet Clough4.70 Km
Thorpe Fendykes4.76 Km
Friskney4.78 Km
Irby in the Marsh5.06 Km
Fold Hill5.14 Km
Friskney Tofts5.90 Km
Gibraltar6.04 Km
Firsby6.11 Km
Burgh le Marsh6.30 Km
Small End6.30 Km
Dickon Hills6.58 Km
Bratoft6.68 Km
Bramble Hills7.07 Km
Little Steeping7.32 Km
Seacroft7.61 Km
Skegness8.06 Km
Monksthorpe8.13 Km
Ashington End8.21 Km
Great Steeping8.24 Km
Orby8.50 Km
Wrangle Bank8.76 Km
Halton Fenside8.98 Km
Wrangle Lowgate9.25 Km
Winthorpe9.51 Km
New Leake9.52 Km
Wrangle Low Ground9.53 Km
Candlesby9.57 Km
Eastville9.66 Km
Boothby9.75 Km
Seathorne10.23 Km
Halton Holegate10.25 Km
Habertoft10.32 Km
Welton le Marsh10.34 Km
Ashby by Partney10.41 Km
Toynton St Peter10.44 Km
Wrangle10.59 Km
Toynton Fen Side10.66 Km
Scremby10.83 Km
Lade Bank11.10 Km
Midville11.13 Km
Hasthorpe11.14 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Wainfleet

List of Historic places near to Wainfleet

NameDistances from Wainfleet
Monksthorpe Chapel8.19 Km
Great Steeping, All Saints Church8.22 Km
Gunby Hall8.70 Km
