Ruskington Railway Station Location Map, Where is Ruskington Station?

Ruskington train station is a National Rail station managed by East Midlands Trains. Station code for Ruskington is RKT. The National Location Code (NLC) is 6327. Postcode for Ruskington is NG34 9ED.

Location informations for Ruskington Station

Station Code : RKT
Postcode : NG34 9ED
Latitude : 53.041462
Longitude : -0.380762
DMS coordinates : 53°2'29.26281595344" N 0°22'50.74386735282" W
OS Grid Reference : TF086505
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 675592.68 N: 5880090.91
Current time and date at Ruskington is 06:19:18 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Live Ruskington DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Ruskington ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Ruskington Station

What is the nearest train station to Ruskington?

List of Railway Stations near to Ruskington
The nearest railway stations to Ruskington are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Ruskington
Sleaford Station5.48 Km
Rauceby Station8.05 Km
Heckington Station9.20 Km
Metheringham Station10.86 Km
Ancaster Station11.96 Km
Swineshead Station15.21 Km
Hubberts Bridge Station19.52 Km
Hykeham Station22.49 Km
Grantham Station23.07 Km
Lincoln Central Station23.11 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Ruskington?

List of Stops near to Ruskington
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Ruskington are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Ruskington
Ruskington Rail Station0 m
Ruskington Rail Station (Entrance)15 m
Rail Station Railway Station15 m
George Adams Factory Bus Stop (adj)362 m
George Adams Factory Bus Stop (opp)375 m
Garden Of Remembrance Bus Stop (adj)446 m
Demand Responsive Area Bus Stop468 m
St Georges Academy Bus Stop (in)503 m
Chapel Street Bus Stop (adj)598 m
All Saints Church Bus Stop (opp)662 m

Airports Near to Ruskington

RAF Cranwell , UK (6.96 Km)

RAF Barkston Heath , UK (14.97 Km)

Cities or Towns near Ruskington (15 km)

List of places near to Ruskington

Ruskington0.61 Km
Dorrington2.38 Km
Anwick2.80 Km
Evedon3.24 Km
Leasingham3.62 Km
Bloxholm3.81 Km
Holdingham4.33 Km
Digby4.34 Km
Brauncewell4.46 Km
Ewerby4.77 Km
Kirkby la Thorpe5.05 Km
Sleaford5.07 Km
Ashby de la Launde5.41 Km
Cranwell5.45 Km
Ewerby Thorpe5.56 Km
Rowston5.72 Km
Asgarby6.09 Km
Howell6.42 Km
New Quarrington6.60 Km
Quarrington6.86 Km
North Kyme6.99 Km
Kirkby Green7.29 Km
Walcott7.45 Km
Thorpe Tilney7.47 Km
Brauncewell7.58 Km
North Rauceby7.66 Km
Scopwick7.76 Km
South Rauceby7.84 Km
Billinghay8.11 Km
Greylees8.31 Km
Silk Willoughby8.34 Km
Timberland8.53 Km
Temple Bruer8.64 Km
South Kyme8.69 Km
Heckington8.70 Km
Burton Pedwardine8.95 Km
Northbeck9.48 Km
Byard's Leap9.70 Km
Blankney9.80 Km
Great Hale9.89 Km
Scredington10.05 Km
Martin10.16 Km
Little Hale10.44 Km
Swarby10.71 Km
Aswarby10.80 Km
Crofton10.94 Km
Metheringham10.99 Km
Helpringham11.14 Km
Wilsford11.21 Km
Reed Point11.84 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Ruskington

List of Historic places near to Ruskington

NameDistances from Ruskington
Heckington, St Andrews Church8.57 Km
Fulbeck Manor13.76 Km
Tattershall Castle14.17 Km
Normanton, St Nicholas Church14.34 Km
Tattershall Church14.34 Km
Tattershall College14.54 Km