Spondon Railway Station Location Map, Where is Spondon Station?

Spondon train station is a National Rail station managed by East Midlands Trains. Station code for Spondon is SPO. The National Location Code (NLC) is 1699. Postcode for Spondon is DE21 7RX.

Location informations for Spondon Station

Station Code : SPO
Postcode : DE21 7RX
Latitude : 52.91222
Longitude : -1.411094
DMS coordinates : 52°54'43.99156983672" N 1°24'39.93856001274" W
OS Grid Reference : SK396351
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 606844.48 N: 5863687.72
Current time and date at Spondon is 05:45:48 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Live Spondon DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Spondon ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Spondon Station

What is the nearest train station to Spondon?

List of Railway Stations near to Spondon
The nearest railway stations to Spondon are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Spondon
Derby Station3.54 Km
Peartree Station4.50 Km
Long Eaton Station8.82 Km
Duffield Station9.84 Km
Ilkeston Station10.80 Km
East Midlands Parkway Station11.36 Km
Attenborough Station12.07 Km
Willington Station12.12 Km
Langley Mill Station12.93 Km
Belper Station13.29 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Spondon?

List of Stops near to Spondon
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Spondon are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Spondon
Spondon Rail Station0 m
Spondon Rail Station (East Entrance)3 m
Spondon Rail Station (West Entrance)17 m
The Moon Bus Stop (Adj)132 m
Celanese Road Bus Stop (SE-bound)179 m
Celanese Road Bus Stop (NW-bound)188 m
Lodge Lane Bus Stop (Adj)299 m
Lodge Lane Bus Stop (Opp)321 m
Willowcroft Road Bus Stop (Adj)344 m
Willowcroft Road Bus Stop (S-bound)436 m

Airports Near to Spondon

East Midlands Airport , UK (10.60 Km)

Cities or Towns near Spondon (15 km)

List of places near to Spondon

Spondon0.80 Km
Cherrytree Hill1.81 Km
Borrowash2.16 Km
Alvaston2.16 Km
Pride Park2.22 Km
Crewton2.44 Km
Ockbrook2.66 Km
Wilmorton2.69 Km
Boulton2.80 Km
Moravian Settlement2.82 Km
Chaddesden2.82 Km
Shacklecross2.86 Km
Boulton Moor2.90 Km
Elvaston2.91 Km
Thulston3.51 Km
Litchurch3.67 Km
Oakwood3.74 Km
Osmaston3.87 Km
Rose Hill3.90 Km
The Holmes4.12 Km
Allenton4.14 Km
Ambaston4.20 Km
Pear Tree4.34 Km
The Flourish4.37 Km
Breadsall Hilltop4.42 Km
Little Chester4.60 Km
Shelton Lock4.66 Km
Derby4.70 Km
Draycott4.92 Km
Chellaston5.16 Km
Normanton5.23 Km
Breadsall5.31 Km
Stanley5.32 Km
Dale Abbey5.43 Km
Sinfin Moor5.55 Km
Shardlow5.72 Km
Darley Abbey5.75 Km
Dale Moor5.85 Km
Aston-on-Trent5.93 Km
Sinfin6.02 Km
Risley6.14 Km
Church Wilne6.24 Km
Morleymoor6.28 Km
New Zealand6.38 Km
Hillcross6.40 Km
Sunny Hill6.45 Km
Breaston6.46 Km
Morley Smithy6.47 Km
Great Wilne6.69 Km
Allestree6.96 Km

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