RAF Dishforth Informations and Location Map, Satellite view of RAF Dishforth GPS Location Map

RAF Dishforth is located in Dishforth, England, United Kingdom. RAF Dishforth's ICAO code is EGXD. In addition to this informations you can see location map of RAF Dishforth by click this link. RAF Dishforth Map

Location informations for RAF Dishforth

City: Dishforth
Country: United Kingdom
IATA Code:
Latitude : 54.137199
Longitude : -1.42025
DMS coordinates : 54°8'13.91784684" N 1°25'12.900209412" W
OS Grid Coordinates : SE379714
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 603207 N: 5999939.9
Current time and date at RAF Dishforth is 05:44:39 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)

Location Map of RAF Dishforth - road map, satellite view and street view

RAF Dishforth weather forecast 15 days

The weather for RAF Dishforth in the United Kingdom

Get today and tomorrow's weather forecasts for RAF Dishforth. Find out the weather forecast report for two weeks and the weekend for RAF Dishforth in the UK.
RAF Dishforth weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to RAF Dishforth?

List of Railway Stations near to RAF Dishforth
The nearest railway stations to RAF Dishforth are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from RAF Dishforth
Thirsk Station10.58 Km
Knaresborough Station14.62 Km
Starbeck Station16.25 Km
Cattal Station16.85 Km
Harrogate Station17.75 Km
Hammerton Station18.01 Km
Hornbeam Park Station18.83 Km
Pannal Station21.22 Km
Northallerton Station21.82 Km
Poppleton Station25.22 Km

Airports Near to RAF Dishforth

RAF Topcliffe , UK (7.99 Km)

RAF Linton-On-Ouse , UK (14.69 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to RAF Dishforth?

List of Stops near to RAF Dishforth
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to RAF Dishforth are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from RAF Dishforth
Main Gates Bus Stop (adj)778 m
Main Gates Bus Stop (opp)786 m
Sycamore Drive Bus Stop (opp)1.15 Km
Sycamore Drive Bus Stop (adj)1.16 Km
Chapel Lane Bus Stop (E-bound)1.32 Km
Chapel Lane Bus Stop (W-bound)1.34 Km
Balk Top Bus Stop (adj)1.35 Km
Balk Top Bus Stop (opp)1.36 Km
Moor Lane Junction Bus Stop (NW-bound)1.47 Km
Moor Lane Junction Bus Stop (NE-bound)1.48 Km

Cities or Towns near RAF Dishforth (15 km)

List of places near to RAF Dishforth

Marton-le-Moor1.17 Km
Dishforth1.87 Km
Norton-le-Clay2.31 Km
Kirby Hill3.37 Km
Skelton on Ure3.66 Km
Rainton3.97 Km
Copt Hewick4.19 Km
Milby4.26 Km
Langthorpe4.29 Km
Asenby4.42 Km
Cundall4.48 Km
Bridge Hewick4.59 Km
Crakehill4.97 Km
Boroughbridge5.05 Km
Topcliffe5.24 Km
Sharow5.32 Km
Eldmire5.32 Km
Roecliffe5.57 Km
Hutton Conyers5.62 Km
Aldborough5.73 Km
Fawdington5.83 Km
Fisher Green5.96 Km
Brafferton5.99 Km
Baldersby St James6.04 Km
Littlethorpe6.07 Km
Helperby6.20 Km
Melmerby6.23 Km
Little Studley6.31 Km
Ure Bank6.35 Km
Minskip6.49 Km
Camp Close6.54 Km
Nunwick6.54 Km
Gallows Hill6.57 Km
Bondgate6.58 Km
Ripon6.72 Km
Dalton6.75 Km
Moor End Field6.78 Km
Catton6.81 Km
Borrage Green7.01 Km
Bishop Monkton7.16 Km
Baldersby7.58 Km
Norton Conyers7.65 Km
Myton-on-Swale7.69 Km
Wath7.95 Km
Myton Hall8.15 Km
Bishopton8.15 Km
North Lees8.28 Km
Middleton Quernhow8.34 Km
Clotherholme8.41 Km
Skipton-on-Swale8.49 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near RAF Dishforth
