Cheddington Railway Station Location Map, Where is Cheddington Station?

Cheddington train station is a National Rail station managed by West Midlands Trains. Station code for Cheddington is CED. The National Location Code (NLC) is 1372. Postcode for Cheddington is LU7 0SQ.

Location informations for Cheddington Station

Station Code : CED
Postcode : LU7 0SQ
Latitude : 51.857918
Longitude : -0.662152
DMS coordinates : 51°51'28.50349311432" N 0°39'43.74673917042" W
OS Grid Reference : SP922185
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 660991.6 N: 5747819.42
Current time and date at Cheddington is 02:33:30 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Live Cheddington DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Cheddington ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Cheddington Station

What is the nearest train station to Cheddington?

List of Railway Stations near to Cheddington
The nearest railway stations to Cheddington are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Cheddington
Leighton Buzzard Station6.57 Km
Tring Station6.92 Km
Stoke Mandeville Station11.45 Km
Aylesbury Station11.59 Km
Wendover Station12.19 Km
Berkhamsted Station12.59 Km
Aylesbury Vale Parkway Station13.93 Km
Leagrave Station14.93 Km
Little Kimble Station15.47 Km
Bletchley Station16.10 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Cheddington?

List of Stops near to Cheddington
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Cheddington are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Cheddington
Cheddington Rail Station0 m
Cheddington Rail Station (entrance)1 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (adj)232 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (Opp)338 m
Brocas Way Bus Stop (adj)702 m
Brocas Way Bus Stop (opp)708 m
The Green Bus Stop (Opp)1.17 Km
The Green Bus Stop (adj)1.18 Km
High Street Bus Stop (Southbound)1.22 Km
High Street Bus Stop (Northbound)1.25 Km

Cities or Towns near Cheddington (15 km)

List of places near to Cheddington

Horton0.70 Km
Cheddington1.29 Km
Horton Wharf1.58 Km
Mentmore2.03 Km
Greatgap2.36 Km
Slapton2.52 Km
Ivinghoe Aston3.05 Km
Pitstone3.15 Km
Ivinghoe3.30 Km
Crafton3.31 Km
Lower End3.56 Km
Long Marston3.79 Km
Pitstone Green3.80 Km
Gubblecote3.84 Km
Ledburn3.84 Km
Marsworth3.95 Km
Northall3.97 Km
Grove3.98 Km
Little Billington4.07 Km
Church End4.12 Km
Billington4.36 Km
Astrope4.49 Km
Startop's End4.50 Km
Wilstone4.82 Km
Church End4.95 Km
Tringford5.01 Km
Bulbourne5.02 Km
Pitstone Hill5.20 Km
Wilstone Green5.21 Km
Edlesborough5.22 Km
Lower Ascott5.22 Km
Puttenham5.22 Km
Eaton Bray5.43 Km
Wingrave5.54 Km
Moor End5.58 Km
Little Tring5.63 Km
Wing5.71 Km
New Mill5.77 Km
Nup End5.83 Km
Honeywick5.85 Km
Barley End5.87 Km
Tring Wharf6.05 Km
Leighton Buzzard6.50 Km
Stanbridgeford6.53 Km
Lower End6.56 Km
Middle End6.66 Km
Linslade6.68 Km
Drayton Beauchamp6.72 Km
Burcott6.73 Km
Leedon7.03 Km

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