Christchurch Railway Station Location Map, Where is Christchurch Station?

Christchurch train station is a National Rail station managed by South Western Railway. Station code for Christchurch is CHR. The National Location Code (NLC) is 5879. Postcode for Christchurch is BH23 1PL.

Location informations for Christchurch Station

Station Code : CHR
Postcode : BH23 1PL
Latitude : 50.738215
Longitude : -1.784546
DMS coordinates : 50°44'17.57530748724" N 1°47'4.36612882944" W
OS Grid Reference : SZ152931
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 585765.67 N: 5621418.5
Current time and date at Christchurch is 02:11:52 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/Jersey)

Live Christchurch DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Christchurch ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Christchurch Station

What is the nearest train station to Christchurch?

List of Railway Stations near to Christchurch
The nearest railway stations to Christchurch are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Christchurch
Pokesdown Station2.96 Km
Hinton Admiral Station5.21 Km
Bournemouth Station5.76 Km
New Milton Station9.13 Km
Branksome Station9.60 Km
Parkstone Station11.63 Km
Sway Station13.32 Km
Poole Station14.15 Km
Hamworthy Station16.59 Km
Brockenhurst Station17.22 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Christchurch?

List of Stops near to Christchurch
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Christchurch are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Christchurch
Christchurch Rail Station0 m
Christchurch Rail Station (Entrance)21 m
Christchurch Railway Station Bus Stop (NE-bound)79 m
Christchurch Railway Station Bus Stop (opp)101 m
Junior and Infant Schools Bus Stop (SW-bound)122 m
Junior and Infant Schools Bus Stop (NE-bound)134 m
County Infant School Bus Stop (NE-bound)134 m
Fairfield Bus Stop (SE-bound)184 m
Stour Road Bus Stop (SE-bound)185 m
Fairfield Bus Stop (NW-bound)188 m

Airports Near to Christchurch

Bournemouth Airport , UK (6.18 Km)

Cities or Towns near Christchurch (15 km)

List of places near to Christchurch

Christchurch0.19 Km
Fairmile0.90 Km
Tuckton1.05 Km
Wick1.28 Km
Purewell1.42 Km
Iford1.61 Km
Jumpers Common1.67 Km
Southbourne1.80 Km
Burton1.89 Km
Hengistbury Head1.99 Km
West Southbourne2.24 Km
Stanpit2.32 Km
St Catherine's Hill2.32 Km
Holdenhurst2.68 Km
Somerford2.84 Km
Pokesdown2.86 Km
Winkton3.01 Km
Mudeford3.11 Km
Littledown3.35 Km
South Bockhampton3.56 Km
Townsend3.64 Km
Friars Cliff3.83 Km
Sopley3.86 Km
Haddon Hill3.93 Km
Boscombe4.19 Km
North Bockhampton4.42 Km
Waterditch4.52 Km
Hurn4.62 Km
Middle Bockhampton4.63 Km
Springbourne4.80 Km
Strouden4.87 Km
Highcliffe5.02 Km
Neacroft5.12 Km
West Hurn5.15 Km
Throop5.28 Km
Mill Throop5.31 Km
Godwinscroft5.32 Km
Ripley5.42 Km
East Cliff5.52 Km
Avon5.64 Km
Merritown5.67 Km
Charminster5.70 Km
Bransgore5.88 Km
Avon Common5.93 Km
Muscliffe6.08 Km
Dean Park6.08 Km
Muscliff6.22 Km
Moordown6.35 Km
Red Hill6.62 Km
Hinton6.62 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Christchurch

List of Historic places near to Christchurch

NameDistances from Christchurch
Christchurch Castle0.86 Km
Highcliffe Castle5.17 Km
Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum6.48 Km
Compton Acres10.55 Km
Knoll Gardens11.55 Km
Brownsea Island13.34 Km