Blythe Bridge Railway Station Location Map, Where is Blythe Bridge Station?

Blythe Bridge train station is a National Rail station managed by East Midlands Trains. Station code for Blythe Bridge is BYB. The National Location Code (NLC) is 1282. Postcode for Blythe Bridge is ST11 9JF.

Location informations for Blythe Bridge Station

Station Code : BYB
Postcode : ST11 9JF
Latitude : 52.968144
Longitude : -2.066961
DMS coordinates : 52°58'5.31828002748" N 2°4'1.060914770148" W
OS Grid Reference : SJ955411
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 562661.89 N: 5869134.13
Current time and date at Blythe Bridge is 02:46:49 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Live Blythe Bridge DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Blythe Bridge ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Blythe Bridge Station

What is the nearest train station to Blythe Bridge?

List of Railway Stations near to Blythe Bridge
The nearest railway stations to Blythe Bridge are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Blythe Bridge
Longton Station5.28 Km
Stoke-On-Trent Station8.82 Km
Stone Station8.89 Km
Longport Station12.93 Km
Uttoxeter Station16.14 Km
Kidsgrove Station17.74 Km
Stafford Station18.63 Km
Alsager Station20.82 Km
Congleton Station22.70 Km
Rugeley Trent Valley Station23.91 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Blythe Bridge?

List of Stops near to Blythe Bridge
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Blythe Bridge are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Blythe Bridge
Blythe Bridge Rail Station0 m
Blythe Bridge Rail Station (Southbound)17 m
Blythe Bridge Rail Station (Northbound)36 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (Opp)49 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (Adj)62 m
Grindley Lane Bus Stop (Opp)222 m
Grindley Lane Bus Stop (Adj)245 m
Police Station Bus Stop (Adj)340 m
Brammall Drive Bus Stop (Opp)370 m
Brammall Drive Bus Stop (Adj)383 m

Cities or Towns near Blythe Bridge (15 km)

List of places near to Blythe Bridge

Blythe Bridge0.42 Km
Blythe Marsh0.95 Km
Forsbrook1.05 Km
Meir1.56 Km
Caverswall1.78 Km
Stonehouses2.02 Km
Stallington2.06 Km
Draycott in the Moors2.23 Km
Cookshill2.50 Km
Cresswell2.70 Km
Saverley Green2.76 Km
Boundary2.85 Km
Dilhorne3.04 Km
Meir Heath3.08 Km
Lightwood3.14 Km
Fulford3.23 Km
Weston Coyney3.42 Km
Roughcote3.48 Km
Leadendale3.53 Km
Commonside3.56 Km
Normacot3.64 Km
Barlaston Common3.66 Km
Rough Close3.68 Km
Crossgate3.70 Km
Meir Hay3.92 Km
Godleybrook4.02 Km
Totmonslow4.06 Km
Florence4.11 Km
Mossgate4.21 Km
Spot Acre4.21 Km
Brookhouses4.45 Km
Whitehurst4.47 Km
Mosslane4.55 Km
Huntley4.75 Km
Knenhall4.82 Km
Sandford Hill5.01 Km
Adderley Green5.06 Km
Hulme5.06 Km
Hartwell5.07 Km
Teanford5.07 Km
Mobberley5.22 Km
Dresden5.28 Km
Moddershall5.34 Km
Longton5.37 Km
Cheadle Park5.40 Km
Upper Tean5.52 Km
Newstead5.67 Km
Blurton5.73 Km
Cheadle5.78 Km
Sharpley Heath5.97 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Blythe Bridge

List of Historic places near to Blythe Bridge

NameDistances from Blythe Bridge
Wedgwood Museum & Visitor Centre8.68 Km
Croxden Abbey11.09 Km
Whitmore Hall14.57 Km