Rugeley Trent Valley Railway Station Location Map, Where is Rugeley Trent Valley Station?

Rugeley Trent Valley train station is a National Rail station managed by West Midlands Trains. Station code for Rugeley Trent Valley is RGL. The National Location Code (NLC) is 1084. Postcode for Rugeley Trent Valley is WS15 3HA.

Location informations for Rugeley Trent Valley Station

Station Code : RGL
Postcode : WS15 3HA
Latitude : 52.769657
Longitude : -1.929852
DMS coordinates : 52°46'10.7652708462" N 1°55'47.46575484888" W
OS Grid Reference : SK048191
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 572198.57 N: 5847184.14
Current time and date at Rugeley Trent Valley is 06:13:31 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Live Rugeley Trent Valley DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Rugeley Trent Valley ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Rugeley Trent Valley Station

What is the nearest train station to Rugeley Trent Valley?

List of Railway Stations near to Rugeley Trent Valley
The nearest railway stations to Rugeley Trent Valley are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Rugeley Trent Valley
Rugeley Town Station1.76 Km
Hednesford Station8.20 Km
Cannock Station11.17 Km
Lichfield City Station12.19 Km
Lichfield Trent Valley Station12.68 Km
Stafford Station13.47 Km
Penkridge Station13.75 Km
Landywood Station13.99 Km
Uttoxeter Station14.95 Km
Shenstone Station15.60 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Rugeley Trent Valley?

List of Stops near to Rugeley Trent Valley
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Rugeley Trent Valley are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Rugeley Trent Valley
Rugeley Trent Valley Rail Station0 m
Rugeley Trent Valley Rail Station (Southbound)27 m
Leyland Drive Bus Stop (Adj)616 m
Old Eaton Road Bus Stop (Opp)639 m
Eaton Croft Bus Stop (Adj)690 m
Eaton Croft Bus Stop (Opp)704 m
Chancel School Bus Stop (Opp)748 m
Chancel School Bus Stop (Adj)749 m
Market Street Bus Stop (Adj)845 m
Tesco Store Bus Stop (Adj)855 m

Airports Near to Rugeley Trent Valley

Tatenhill Airfield , UK (12.40 Km)

Cities or Towns near Rugeley Trent Valley (15 km)

List of places near to Rugeley Trent Valley

Rugeley1.01 Km
Colton1.70 Km
Etchinghill2.18 Km
Ravenhill2.20 Km
Stockwell Heath2.58 Km
Slitting Mill2.67 Km
Rake End3.00 Km
Brereton3.06 Km
Bishton3.17 Km
Hill Ridware3.53 Km
Blithbury3.55 Km
Breretonhill3.93 Km
Colwich3.97 Km
Mavesyn Ridware3.99 Km
Newlands4.03 Km
Admaston4.10 Km
Brereton Cross4.25 Km
Upper Longdon4.71 Km
Armitage4.73 Km
Pipe Ridware4.90 Km
Little Haywood4.93 Km
Blithfield4.94 Km
Longdon5.31 Km
Handsacre5.37 Km
Mill Green5.66 Km
Hamstall Ridware5.82 Km
Tuppenhurst6.00 Km
Nethertown6.21 Km
Great Haywood6.23 Km
Chestall6.30 Km
Abbots Bromley6.36 Km
Olive Green6.39 Km
Newton6.41 Km
Sandborough6.66 Km
Hazelslade6.69 Km
Longdon Green6.77 Km
Cannock Wood6.79 Km
Windmill Bank6.89 Km
Dapple Heath6.90 Km
Newton Hurst7.00 Km
Cold Well7.24 Km
Lea Heath7.25 Km
Radmore Wood7.38 Km
Goosemoor Green7.40 Km
Stonywell7.40 Km
Gentleshaw7.45 Km
Dunstal7.54 Km
Little Ingestre7.56 Km
Milford7.58 Km
Rawnsley7.61 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Rugeley Trent Valley

List of Historic places near to Rugeley Trent Valley

NameDistances from Rugeley Trent Valley
Shugborough6.22 Km
Ancient High House13.22 Km
Stafford, St Marys Church13.30 Km
Wall Roman Site (Letocetum Baths and Museum)13.52 Km
Stafford Castle14.90 Km