Taunton Railway Station Location Map, Where is Taunton Station?

Taunton train station is a National Rail station managed by Great Western Railway. Station code for Taunton is TAU. The National Location Code (NLC) is 3471. Postcode for Taunton is TA1 1QP.

Location informations for Taunton Station

Station Code : TAU
Postcode : TA1 1QP
Latitude : 51.023306
Longitude : -3.102742
DMS coordinates : 51°1'23.90091069576" N 3°6'9.871510077288" W
OS Grid Reference : ST227254
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 492794.24 N: 5652421.61
Current time and date at Taunton is 06:15:41 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/Guernsey)

Live Taunton DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Taunton ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Taunton Station

What is the nearest train station to Taunton?

List of Railway Stations near to Taunton
The nearest railway stations to Taunton are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Taunton
Bridgwater Station14.03 Km
Tiverton Parkway Station21.51 Km
Highbridge and Burnham Station23.51 Km
Honiton Station25.89 Km
Axminster Station27.99 Km
Crewkerne Station28.17 Km
Feniton Station29.26 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Taunton?

List of Stops near to Taunton
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Taunton are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Taunton
Taunton Rail Station0 m
Taunton Rail Station (Entrance)30 m
Taunton Rail Station (Entrance)52 m
Taunton Station South Side Bus Stop (E-bound)58 m
Taunton Station Bus Stop (SW-bound)69 m
Taunton Station Bridge Bus Stop (S-bound)70 m
Taunton Station Bridge Bus Stop (N-bound)77 m
Kilkenny Car Park Bus Stop (S-bound)115 m
Royal Ashton Bus Stop (S-bound)215 m
St Andrews Bus Stop (opp)236 m

Cities or Towns near Taunton (15 km)

List of places near to Taunton

Rowbarton0.26 Km
Firepool0.50 Km
North Town0.57 Km
Obridge0.62 Km
Lyngford0.73 Km
Frieze Hill0.93 Km
Wellsprings1.07 Km
Tangier1.07 Km
Taunton1.16 Km
Priorswood1.18 Km
Pyrland1.20 Km
Wilton1.60 Km
Staplegrove1.72 Km
Haines Hill1.85 Km
Halcon2.09 Km
Maidenbrook2.10 Km
Galmington2.12 Km
Bishop's Hull2.16 Km
Sherford2.46 Km
Holway2.47 Km
Goosenford2.68 Km
Rowford2.69 Km
Bathpool2.73 Km
Dodhill2.80 Km
Cheddon Fitzpaine2.84 Km
Dowslands2.92 Km
Comeytrowe2.95 Km
Nailsbourne2.99 Km
Norton Fitzwarren3.10 Km
Monkton Heathfield3.11 Km
Langford3.16 Km
Upper Cheddon3.29 Km
Haydon3.32 Km
Sidbrook3.39 Km
Trull3.48 Km
Eastbrook3.51 Km
Upcott3.51 Km
Kibbear3.56 Km
Mill Cross3.57 Km
Ruishton3.61 Km
Shoreditch3.65 Km
Rumwell3.82 Km
Gotton3.86 Km
Staplehay3.90 Km
Haygrass4.03 Km
Langaller4.13 Km
Canonsgrove4.15 Km
Hele4.21 Km
Kingston St Mary4.27 Km
West Monkton4.31 Km

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