Highbridge and Burnham Railway Station Location Map, Where is Highbridge and Burnham Station?

Highbridge and Burnham train station is a National Rail station managed by Great Western Railway. Station code for Highbridge and Burnham is HIG. The National Location Code (NLC) is 3314. Postcode for Highbridge and Burnham is TA9 3BT.

Location informations for Highbridge and Burnham Station

Station Code : HIG
Postcode : TA9 3BT
Latitude : 51.21816
Longitude : -2.972154
DMS coordinates : 51°13'5.37579255936" N 2°58'19.75408106406" W
OS Grid Reference : ST321469
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 501944.77 N: 5674085.92
Current time and date at Highbridge and Burnham is 06:24:47 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/Guernsey)

Live Highbridge and Burnham DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Highbridge and Burnham ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Highbridge and Burnham Station

What is the nearest train station to Highbridge and Burnham?

List of Railway Stations near to Highbridge and Burnham
The nearest railway stations to Highbridge and Burnham are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Highbridge and Burnham
Bridgwater Station10.12 Km
Weston-Super-Mare Station14.03 Km
Weston Milton Station14.64 Km
Worle Station16.15 Km
Yatton Station21.68 Km
Taunton Station23.51 Km
Nailsea and Backwell Station27.16 Km
Penarth Station27.99 Km
Barry Island Station28.53 Km
Dingle Road Station28.61 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Highbridge and Burnham?

List of Stops near to Highbridge and Burnham
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Highbridge and Burnham are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Highbridge and Burnham
Highbridge & Burnham-on-Sea Rail Station0 m
Highbridge & Burnham-on-Sea Rail Station (Entrance)27 m
Highbridge Railway Station Bus Stop (S-bound)33 m
Bridge End Cotage Bus Stop (W-bound)187 m
Bridge End Bus Stop (E-bound)190 m
Community Hall Bus Stop (E-bound)209 m
Community Hall Bus Stop (W-bound)211 m
The George Hotel Bus Stop (S-bound)341 m
The George Hotel Bus Stop (N-bound)355 m
Garage Bus Stop (W-bound)482 m

Cities or Towns near Highbridge and Burnham (15 km)

List of places near to Highbridge and Burnham

Highbridge0.45 Km
Alstone0.78 Km
Walrow1.39 Km
Hackness1.62 Km
Huntspill1.78 Km
Edithmead2.25 Km
Watchfield2.55 Km
Middle Burnham2.59 Km
Bason Bridge2.67 Km
Burnham-on-Sea2.77 Km
East Huntspill2.87 Km
West Huntspill2.99 Km
Northwick3.69 Km
Stretcholt3.91 Km
Battleborough3.99 Km
Mark Causeway4.28 Km
Pawlett Hill4.42 Km
Brent Knoll4.55 Km
Ham4.61 Km
Pawlett4.71 Km
Vole5.21 Km
Steart5.32 Km
Puriton5.43 Km
Mark5.50 Km
Walpole5.60 Km
East Brent5.64 Km
Down End5.75 Km
Yarrow5.86 Km
Woolavington5.96 Km
Berrow6.09 Km
Dunball6.15 Km
Wick6.57 Km
Rooks Bridge6.69 Km
Lympsham7.20 Km
Knowle7.20 Km
Edingworth7.21 Km
Bawdrip7.57 Km
Cossington7.58 Km
Eastertown7.84 Km
Combwich7.88 Km
Burtle7.90 Km
Horsey7.90 Km
Westham7.93 Km
Tarnock7.96 Km
Chilton Trinity8.07 Km
Burtle Hill8.08 Km
Bradney8.14 Km
Otterhampton8.35 Km
Biddisham8.56 Km
Batch8.61 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Highbridge and Burnham
