Axminster Railway Station Location Map, Where is Axminster Station?

Axminster train station is a National Rail station managed by South Western Railway. Station code for Axminster is AXM. The National Location Code (NLC) is 5714. Postcode for Axminster is EX13 5PF.

Location informations for Axminster Station

Station Code : AXM
Postcode : EX13 5PF
Latitude : 50.779274
Longitude : -3.004724
DMS coordinates : 50°46'45.38788234356" N 3°0'17.004951522216" W
OS Grid Reference : SY292982
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 499666.98 N: 5625279.85
Current time and date at Axminster is 10:19:32 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/Guernsey)

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Map location for Axminster Station

What is the nearest train station to Axminster?

List of Railway Stations near to Axminster
The nearest railway stations to Axminster are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Axminster
Honiton Station12.94 Km
Crewkerne Station19.04 Km
Feniton Station19.75 Km
Whimple Station24.61 Km
Taunton Station27.99 Km
Tiverton Parkway Station29.26 Km
Cranbrook Station29.42 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Axminster?

List of Stops near to Axminster
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Axminster are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Axminster
Axminster Rail Station0 m
Axminster Rail Station (Entrance)17 m
Rail Station Bus Stop (NE-bound)41 m
Tesco Bus Stop (NE-bound)238 m
Co-op Bus Stop (SW-bound)249 m
Gamberlake Bus Stop (opp)356 m
Gamberlake Bus Stop (NE-bound)373 m
Trinity Square Bus Stop (Stop B)517 m
Trinity Square Bus Stop (Stop A)523 m
George Hotel Bus Stop (N-bound)592 m

Cities or Towns near Axminster (15 km)

List of places near to Axminster

Axminster0.49 Km
Abbey Gate0.76 Km
Millway Rise1.78 Km
Wyke Green1.86 Km
Sector2.09 Km
Weycroft2.28 Km
Kilmington2.37 Km
Trill2.83 Km
Smallridge2.86 Km
Maidenhayne3.46 Km
South Common3.50 Km
All Saints3.58 Km
Churchill3.81 Km
Raymond's Hill3.83 Km
Tudhay3.95 Km
Waggs Plot3.96 Km
Musbury4.05 Km
Shute4.10 Km
Whitford4.19 Km
Blackpool Corner4.46 Km
Yawl4.52 Km
Rock4.54 Km
Monkton Wyld4.57 Km
Wadbrook4.60 Km
Seaton Junction4.61 Km
Alston4.61 Km
Harcombe Bottom4.68 Km
Tillworth4.80 Km
Fordwater4.82 Km
Dalwood4.92 Km
Membury5.12 Km
Birchill5.23 Km
Twist5.33 Km
Hawkchurch5.36 Km
Kitbridge5.42 Km
Holcombe5.61 Km
Penn5.71 Km
Tytherleigh5.74 Km
Umborne5.79 Km
Watchcombe5.79 Km
Kingsdon5.80 Km
Combpyne5.83 Km
Uplyme5.91 Km
Lower Holditch6.01 Km
Hawley Bottom6.18 Km
Champernhayes Marsh6.26 Km
Chardstock6.27 Km
Colyton6.29 Km
Farway Marsh6.39 Km
Furley6.54 Km

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