Stark's Park Stadium Location Map, Nearest Stations and Stops

Stark's Park Stadium is a Football stadium of Raith Rovers where 10104 spectators can be seated. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Stark's Park Stadium by click this link. Stark's Park Stadium Map

Location informations for Stark's Park Stadium

Latitude : 56.09989
Longitude : -3.16851
DMS coordinates: 56°5'59.604" N 3°10'6.636" W
Current time and date at Stark's Park Stadium is 02:24:03 (01/25/2025) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)

Location Map of Stark's Park Stadium - road map, satellite view and street view

What is the nearest train station to Stark's Park Stadium?

List of Railway Stations near to Stark's Park Stadium
The nearest railway stations to Stark's Park Stadium are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Stark's Park Stadium
Kirkcaldy Station1.36 Km
Kinghorn Station3.41 Km
Burntisland Station6.23 Km
Glenrothes with Thornton Station7.12 Km
Cardenden Station7.38 Km
Aberdour Station9.62 Km
Lochgelly Station9.78 Km
Cowdenbeath Station10.92 Km
Markinch Station11.49 Km
Dalgety Bay Station13.93 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Stark's Park Stadium?

List of Stops near to Stark's Park Stadium
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Stark's Park Stadium are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Stark's Park Stadium
Mill Street Bus Stop (opp)147 m
Mill Street Bus Stop (adj)164 m
Ramsay Road Bus Stop (adj)173 m
Ramsay Road Bus Stop (opp)189 m
Barnet Crescent Bus Stop (adj)208 m
Barnet Crescent Bus Stop (opp)211 m
Pratt Street Bus Stop (Adj)235 m
Bridge Street Bus Stop (Adj)241 m
Balwearie Gardens Bus Stop (Adj Balwearie Gardens)247 m
St Mark's Orthodox Church Bus Stop (Adj)313 m

Cities or Towns near Stark's Park Stadium (15 km)

List of places near to Stark's Park Stadium

Linktown0.37 Km
Kirkcaldy1.13 Km
Port Brae1.71 Km
Hayfield2.56 Km
Pathhead2.61 Km
Templehall3.05 Km
Smeaton3.27 Km
Kinghorn3.44 Km
Newliston3.65 Km
Dunnikier3.69 Km
Panhall3.79 Km
Sinclairtown3.89 Km
Dysart4.05 Km
Pettycur4.12 Km
Chapel4.19 Km
West Gallatown4.31 Km
Gallatown4.39 Km
Boreland5.04 Km
Orrock5.21 Km
Newbigging5.26 Km
Auchtertool5.70 Km
Blair5.86 Km
Burntisland6.08 Km
Cluny6.17 Km
Kirkton6.27 Km
West Wemyss6.94 Km
Strathore6.95 Km
Cardenden7.00 Km
Coaltown of Wemyss7.03 Km
Dundonald7.17 Km
Thornton7.40 Km
Bowhill7.84 Km
Auchterderran8.28 Km
Finglassie8.56 Km
Stenton8.57 Km
Jamphlars8.63 Km
Woodend8.78 Km
Easter Aberdour9.23 Km
East Finglassie9.24 Km
Pitteuchar9.26 Km
East Wemyss9.28 Km
Lochgelly9.36 Km
Kinglassie9.41 Km
Whitehill9.54 Km
Eastfield9.55 Km
Coaltown of Balgonie9.67 Km
Aberdour9.74 Km
Glencraig9.82 Km
Rimbleton10.05 Km
Wester Aberdour10.21 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Stark's Park Stadium

List of Historic places near to Stark's Park Stadium

NameDistances from Stark's Park Stadium
Kirkcaldy Museum and Art Gallery1.43 Km
Ravenscraig Castle2.65 Km
Dogton Stone7.53 Km
Aberdour Castle9.43 Km
Inchcolm Abbey11.34 Km
Dalgety, St Bridgets Kirk12.24 Km
Mylnes Mill13.60 Km
Trinity House Maritime Museum14.28 Km