Rauceby Railway Station Location Map, Where is Rauceby Station?

Rauceby train station is a National Rail station managed by East Midlands Trains. Station code for Rauceby is RAU. The National Location Code (NLC) is 6361. Postcode for Rauceby is NG34 8PP.

Location informations for Rauceby Station

Station Code : RAU
Postcode : NG34 8PP
Latitude : 52.985204
Longitude : -0.456606
DMS coordinates : 52°59'6.7330931334" N 0°27'23.78234726268" W
OS Grid Reference : TF037442
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 670731.05 N: 5873651.2
Current time and date at Rauceby is 11:32:50 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Live Rauceby DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Rauceby ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Rauceby Station

What is the nearest train station to Rauceby?

List of Railway Stations near to Rauceby
The nearest railway stations to Rauceby are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Rauceby
Sleaford Station3.30 Km
Ancaster Station5.30 Km
Ruskington Station8.05 Km
Heckington Station10.93 Km
Grantham Station15.22 Km
Metheringham Station17.63 Km
Swineshead Station18.12 Km
Bottesford Station23.10 Km
Hubberts Bridge Station23.20 Km
Hykeham Station25.22 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Rauceby?

List of Stops near to Rauceby
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Rauceby are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Rauceby
Rauceby Rail Station0 m
Rail Station Bus Stop (adj)9 m
Rauceby Rail Station (Entrance)17 m
Rauceby Rail Station (Entrance)17 m
Rail Station Bus Stop (opp)21 m
Balmoral Drive Bus Stop (opp)175 m
Bus Shelter Bus Stop (opp)181 m
Bus Shelter Bus Stop (adj)196 m
Balmoral Drive Bus Stop (adj)237 m
Balmoral Drive Roundabout Bus Stop (adj)445 m

Airports Near to Rauceby

RAF Cranwell , UK (5.32 Km)

RAF Barkston Heath , UK (7.48 Km)

Cities or Towns near Rauceby (15 km)

List of places near to Rauceby

Greylees0.37 Km
South Rauceby1.51 Km
New Quarrington1.73 Km
Quarrington1.87 Km
Silk Willoughby2.37 Km
North Rauceby2.66 Km
Sleaford3.48 Km
Wilsford3.50 Km
Holdingham3.74 Km
Swarby3.75 Km
Culverthorpe4.09 Km
Kelby4.24 Km
Crofton4.45 Km
Leasingham4.96 Km
Aswarby5.24 Km
Ancaster5.26 Km
Heydour5.38 Km
Aunsby5.42 Km
Cranwell5.75 Km
Aisby5.98 Km
Oasby6.11 Km
Kirkby la Thorpe6.34 Km
Dembleby6.53 Km
Sudbrook6.57 Km
Northbeck6.64 Km
Scredington6.73 Km
Evedon6.76 Km
Barkston Heath6.77 Km
Scott Willoughby6.93 Km
Osbournby6.94 Km
Byard's Leap6.95 Km
West Willoughby7.30 Km
Asgarby7.96 Km
Newton8.06 Km
Brauncewell8.12 Km
Spanby8.15 Km
Haceby8.22 Km
Ruskington8.24 Km
Burton Pedwardine8.27 Km
Brauncewell8.30 Km
Welby8.57 Km
Carlton Scroop8.62 Km
Ewerby8.88 Km
Normanton-on-Cliffe9.04 Km
Braceby9.10 Km
Honington9.31 Km
Walcot9.47 Km
Threekingham9.66 Km
Dorrington9.79 Km
Anwick10.01 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Rauceby

List of Historic places near to Rauceby

NameDistances from Rauceby
Haceby, St Barbaras Church8.27 Km
Normanton, St Nicholas Church8.98 Km
Heckington, St Andrews Church10.56 Km
Fulbeck Manor10.69 Km
Belton House11.75 Km
Sempringham Church and Holy Well13.25 Km
Grantham House14.50 Km
