Newcastle Railway Station Location Map, Where is Newcastle Station?

Newcastle train station is a National Rail station managed by Virgin Trains East Coast. Station code for Newcastle is NCL. The National Location Code (NLC) is 7728. Postcode for Newcastle is NE1 5DL.

Location informations for Newcastle Station

Station Code : NCL
Postcode : NE1 5DL
Latitude : 54.968403
Longitude : -1.61728
DMS coordinates : 54°58'6.25004714496" N 1°37'2.20795067046" W
OS Grid Reference : NZ245638
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 588517.14 N: 6092149.99
Current time and date at Newcastle is 02:43:23 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)

Live Newcastle DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Newcastle ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Newcastle Station

What is the nearest train station to Newcastle?

List of Railway Stations near to Newcastle
The nearest railway stations to Newcastle are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Newcastle
Manors Station935 m
Dunston Station2.58 Km
MetroCentre Station3.27 Km
Heworth Station4.35 Km
Blaydon Station6.09 Km
Wylam Station12.58 Km
Chester-Le-Street Station12.90 Km
Cramlington Station13.33 Km
Prudhoe Station15.81 Km
Sunderland Station16.57 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Newcastle?

List of Stops near to Newcastle
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Newcastle are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Newcastle
Newcastle Rail Station0 m
Newcastle Rail Stn Bus Stop (W-Bound)55 m
Newcastle Rail Station Bus Stop (E-Bound)60 m
Central Stn Neville St Bus Stop (C)81 m
Central Stn Neville St Bus Stop (D)93 m
Central Stn Neville St Bus Stop (B)107 m
Central Station (Tyne and Wear Metro Station)108 m
Central Stn Neville St Bus Stop (E)108 m
Central Station Bewick Street Bus Stop (P)115 m
Central Station Bewick Street Bus Stop (SE-Bound)121 m

Airports Near to Newcastle

Newcastle Airport , UK (9.03 Km)

Cities or Towns near Newcastle (15 km)

List of places near to Newcastle

Science Central0.74 Km
Newcastle upon Tyne1.16 Km
Gateshead1.23 Km
Arthur's Hill1.40 Km
Battle Field1.47 Km
Shieldfield1.57 Km
Teams1.90 Km
Spital Tongues1.92 Km
Elswick1.97 Km
Brandling Village2.02 Km
Bensham2.07 Km
East Gateshead2.21 Km
St Lawrence2.30 Km
Shipcote2.36 Km
Byker2.51 Km
Dunston2.51 Km
St Peter's2.55 Km
Jesmond2.60 Km
Mount Pleasant2.64 Km
Saltwell2.65 Km
South Benwell2.72 Km
Deckham2.85 Km
Heaton2.92 Km
Paradise2.98 Km
Old Fold3.06 Km
Felling Shore3.11 Km
West Jesmond3.13 Km
Dunston Hill3.21 Km
Fenham3.22 Km
Friars Goose3.23 Km
Carr Hill3.33 Km
Lobley Hill3.43 Km
Felling3.60 Km
South Gosforth3.68 Km
Derwent Haugh3.82 Km
Beechgrove3.83 Km
Old Benwell3.85 Km
Low Fell3.95 Km
Sheriff Hill3.95 Km
Team Valley3.97 Km
High Heaton4.00 Km
Cowgate4.04 Km
Walker4.09 Km
Heworth Lane4.13 Km
Heworth Shore4.18 Km
Windy Nook4.18 Km
St Anthony's4.18 Km
Walkergate4.24 Km
Scotswood4.42 Km
Benwell4.47 Km

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