Prudhoe Railway Station Location Map, Where is Prudhoe Station?

Prudhoe train station is a National Rail station managed by Northern. Station code for Prudhoe is PRU. The National Location Code (NLC) is 7509. Postcode for Prudhoe is NE42 6NR.

Location informations for Prudhoe Station

Station Code : PRU
Postcode : NE42 6NR
Latitude : 54.965829
Longitude : -1.864866
DMS coordinates : 54°57'56.98614620088" N 1°51'53.51675896932" W
OS Grid Reference : NZ087634
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 572672.95 N: 6091578.46
Current time and date at Prudhoe is 06:31:53 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)

Live Prudhoe DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Prudhoe ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Prudhoe Station

What is the nearest train station to Prudhoe?

List of Railway Stations near to Prudhoe
The nearest railway stations to Prudhoe are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Prudhoe
Wylam Station3.40 Km
Stocksfield Station3.92 Km
Riding Mill Station7.07 Km
Blaydon Station9.72 Km
Corbridge Station9.80 Km
MetroCentre Station12.74 Km
Dunston Station14.33 Km
Hexham Station14.70 Km
Newcastle Station15.81 Km
Manors Station16.62 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Prudhoe?

List of Stops near to Prudhoe
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Prudhoe are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Prudhoe
Prudhoe Rail Station0 m
Interchange Bus Stop (at)22 m
Prudhoe Station Railway Station (eastbound)25 m
Prudhoe Station Railway Station (westbound)25 m
Princess Way Bus Stop (eastbound)157 m
Princess Way Bus Stop (westbound)204 m
Bridge End Bus Stop (wb)300 m
Castle View Bus Stop (wb)335 m
Bridge End Bus Stop (eb)343 m
Castle View Bus Stop (opp)397 m

Airports Near to Prudhoe

Newcastle Airport , UK (13.62 Km)

Cities or Towns near Prudhoe (15 km)

List of places near to Prudhoe

Low Prudhoe0.13 Km
Ovingham0.35 Km
Prudhoe0.91 Km
Edgewell1.18 Km
Eltringham1.56 Km
Mickley Square1.82 Km
West Wylam1.84 Km
Mickley2.25 Km
Ovington2.35 Km
West Mickley2.35 Km
High Mickley2.53 Km
Horsley2.56 Km
Branch End3.00 Km
Wylam3.13 Km
Painshawfield3.72 Km
Mount View Terrace3.96 Km
Stocksfield3.96 Km
Bywell4.05 Km
Guessburn4.10 Km
Hedley on the Hill4.30 Km
Leadgate4.56 Km
Crawcrook4.70 Km
Coalburns4.75 Km
Clara Vale4.86 Km
New Ridley4.91 Km
Welton4.91 Km
Harlow Hill4.94 Km
Houghton5.10 Km
Low Greenside5.27 Km
Bar Moor5.32 Km
Greenside5.36 Km
Newton5.37 Km
Newton Hall5.39 Km
Heddon-on-the-Wall5.68 Km
Ryton Woodside5.76 Km
Broomley5.90 Km
Apperley Dene5.93 Km
Ouston5.97 Km
Chopwell6.07 Km
Folly6.09 Km
Whittonstall6.47 Km
High Spen6.48 Km
Ryton6.54 Km
Hooker Gate7.07 Km
Bank Top7.10 Km
Barlow7.14 Km
Riding Mill7.21 Km
Crookhill7.26 Km
Stargate7.26 Km
Blackhall Mill7.27 Km

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