Chester-Le-Street Railway Station Location Map, Where is Chester-Le-Street Station?

Chester-Le-Street train station is a National Rail station managed by Northern. Station code for Chester-Le-Street is CLS. The National Location Code (NLC) is 7736. Postcode for Chester-Le-Street is DH3 3EE.

Location informations for Chester-Le-Street Station

Station Code : CLS
Postcode : DH3 3EE
Latitude : 54.854595
Longitude : -1.578015
DMS coordinates : 54°51'16.5433121784" N 1°34'40.85551840626" W
OS Grid Reference : NZ271511
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 591287.76 N: 6079537.5
Current time and date at Chester-Le-Street is 03:05:18 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)

Live Chester-Le-Street DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Chester-Le-Street ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Chester-Le-Street Station

What is the nearest train station to Chester-Le-Street?

List of Railway Stations near to Chester-Le-Street
The nearest railway stations to Chester-Le-Street are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Chester-Le-Street
Durham Station8.37 Km
Heworth Station10.88 Km
Dunston Station11.38 Km
MetroCentre Station12.86 Km
Newcastle Station12.90 Km
Manors Station13.25 Km
Sunderland Station13.73 Km
Seaham Station14.93 Km
Blaydon Station15.06 Km
Wylam Station20.17 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Chester-Le-Street?

List of Stops near to Chester-Le-Street
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Chester-Le-Street are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Chester-Le-Street
Chester-le-Street Rail Station0 m
Railway Station car park Bus Stop (east bound)14 m
Railway Station car park Bus Stop (N-bound)14 m
Chester-le-Street Rail Station (South Bound Entrance)17 m
Chester-le-Street Rail Station (North Bound Entrance)41 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (east bound)41 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (west bound)74 m
Bullion Hall Bus Stop (NW-bound)225 m
Bullion Hall Bus Stop (SE-bound)229 m
West Lane Bus Stop (NE-bound)250 m

Cities or Towns near Chester-Le-Street (15 km)

List of places near to Chester-Le-Street

Canada0.53 Km
Chester-le-Street0.55 Km
Bridge End0.55 Km
South Pelaw1.31 Km
Whitehill1.97 Km
Chester Moor2.05 Km
Pelton Fell2.24 Km
Waldridge2.32 Km
Castle Dene2.58 Km
Pelton2.66 Km
Barley Mow2.81 Km
Perkinsville2.84 Km
Newfield2.95 Km
Great Lumley3.04 Km
Lumley Thicks3.37 Km
Plawsworth3.37 Km
Rickleton3.42 Km
Ouston3.60 Km
Bournmoor3.70 Km
Plawsworth Gate3.73 Km
Nettlesworth3.74 Km
Tan Hills3.80 Km
Grange Villa3.94 Km
Woodstone Village3.95 Km
Edmondsley4.03 Km
Harraton4.06 Km
High Handenhold4.08 Km
Kimblesworth4.14 Km
Urpeth4.25 Km
West Pelton4.42 Km
High Urpeth4.42 Km
Portobello4.47 Km
Ayton4.61 Km
Lambton4.64 Km
Birtley4.65 Km
Fatfield4.90 Km
Mount Pleasant4.91 Km
Sacriston5.17 Km
Beamish5.21 Km
North Side5.27 Km
Fence Houses5.28 Km
Oxclose5.30 Km
Sedgeletch5.35 Km
Shiney Row5.39 Km
Penshaw5.40 Km
Brasside5.52 Km
Chilton Moor5.54 Km
Colliery Row5.55 Km
Biddick5.56 Km
Washington5.63 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Chester-Le-Street

List of Historic places near to Chester-Le-Street

NameDistances from Chester-Le-Street
Finchale Priory4.74 Km
Washington Old Hall6.59 Km
Houghton-le-Spring, St Michael and All Angels7.16 Km
Crook Hall7.99 Km
Durham Castle8.77 Km
Hylton Castle11.42 Km
Gibside12.34 Km
Low Elswick Church Tower12.71 Km
Bessie Surtees House12.86 Km
Holy Jesus Hospital13.15 Km
Benwell Roman Temple (Hadrians Wall)14.62 Km
Sunderland, Holy Trinity Church14.63 Km