March Railway Station Location Map, Where is March Station?

March train station is a National Rail station managed by Greater Anglia. Station code for March is MCH. The National Location Code (NLC) is 7166. Postcode for March is PE15 8SJ.

Location informations for March Station

Station Code : MCH
Postcode : PE15 8SJ
Latitude : 52.559892
Longitude : 0.091198
DMS coordinates : 52°33'35.61127779888" N 0°5'28.311877763508" E
OS Grid Reference : TL418978
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 31U E: 302832.06 N: 5827289.32
Current time and date at March is 02:25:21 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Live March DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live March ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for March Station

What is the nearest train station to March?

List of Railway Stations near to March
The nearest railway stations to March are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from March
Manea Station9.05 Km
Whittlesea Station14.26 Km
Littleport Station18.71 Km
Downham Market Station19.19 Km
Ely Station22.21 Km
Peterborough Station23.11 Km
Watlington Station23.40 Km
Shippea Hill Station26.15 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to March?

List of Stops near to March
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to March are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from March
Railway Station Bus Stop (o/s)0 m
March Rail Station0 m
March Rail Station (entrance)6 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (near)128 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (opp)145 m
High School Close Bus Stop (opp)260 m
High School Close Bus Stop (near)266 m
Estover Road Bus Stop (opp)273 m
Estover Road Bus Stop (os)281 m
Cromwell Road Bus Stop (near)398 m

Cities or Towns near March (15 km)

List of places near to March

Norwoodside0.55 Km
March1.40 Km
Peas Hill1.43 Km
Little London1.46 Km
Badgeney1.48 Km
Chainbridge2.30 Km
Westry2.39 Km
Town End2.71 Km
Knight's End3.06 Km
Eastwood End4.38 Km
Hook4.52 Km
Coldham5.21 Km
Ring's End5.36 Km
Wimblington5.64 Km
Stonea5.66 Km
Guyhirn6.68 Km
Guyhirn Gull7.06 Km
Doddington7.33 Km
Christchurch7.46 Km
Flood's Ferry7.68 Km
Friday Bridge8.35 Km
Turves8.46 Km
Tholomas Drove8.68 Km
Three Holes8.95 Km
Rogues Alley9.06 Km
Begdale9.22 Km
Lot's Bridge9.35 Km
Bunker's Hill9.36 Km
Tipps End9.56 Km
Thorney Toll9.58 Km
Plaw Field9.76 Km
Lakes End9.92 Km
Upwell9.94 Km
Eldernell9.98 Km
Swingbrow10.05 Km
Wisbech St Mary10.11 Km
The Lipneas10.15 Km
Murrow10.15 Km
South Bridge Field10.22 Km
Elm10.34 Km
Manea10.36 Km
Horseway10.68 Km
Benwick10.74 Km
Collett's Br10.90 Km
Oldeamere10.97 Km
Boyces Bridge11.02 Km
Outwell11.04 Km
Welney11.05 Km
Great Boleness Field11.06 Km
Coates11.20 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near March

List of Historic places near to March

NameDistances from March
March Museum1.27 Km
March, St Wendredas Church2.66 Km
Guyhirn Chapel6.42 Km
Parson Drove, St Johns Church11.53 Km
Octavia Hill Birthplace Museum12.48 Km
Peckover House12.50 Km
Wisbech and Fenland Museum12.54 Km
Wisbech Church12.55 Km
Leverington, St Leonards Church13.80 Km
Walsoken Church13.98 Km
Thorney Abbey14.99 Km