Maiden Newton Railway Station Location Map, Where is Maiden Newton Station?

Maiden Newton train station is a National Rail station managed by Great Western Railway. Station code for Maiden Newton is MDN. The National Location Code (NLC) is 5853. Postcode for Maiden Newton is DT2 0AE.

Location informations for Maiden Newton Station

Station Code : MDN
Postcode : DT2 0AE
Latitude : 50.780009
Longitude : -2.56943
DMS coordinates : 50°46'48.0313895574" N 2°34'9.9478502841" W
OS Grid Reference : SY599979
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 530355.52 N: 5625449.86
Current time and date at Maiden Newton is 05:53:59 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/Guernsey)

Live Maiden Newton DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Maiden Newton ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Maiden Newton Station

What is the nearest train station to Maiden Newton?

List of Railway Stations near to Maiden Newton
The nearest railway stations to Maiden Newton are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Maiden Newton
Chetnole Station9.61 Km
Dorchester West Station11.78 Km
Dorchester South Station12.18 Km
Yetminster Station12.88 Km
Thornford Station14.53 Km
Upwey Station16.35 Km
Yeovil Junction Station16.38 Km
Crewkerne Station17.99 Km
Yeovil Pen Mill Station18.55 Km
Sherborne Station18.66 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Maiden Newton?

List of Stops near to Maiden Newton
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Maiden Newton are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Maiden Newton
Maiden Newton Rail Station0 m
Maiden Newton Rail Station (Entrance)8 m
The Station Bus Stop (NW-bound)13 m
Bramble Cottage Bus Stop (opp)224 m
Bramble Cottage Bus Stop (NW-bound)236 m
The Old School Bus Stop (opp)321 m
The Old School Bus Stop (N-bound)332 m
Chalk & Cheese Bus Stop (NW-bound)360 m
Village Stores Bus Stop (E-bound)370 m
Newton Road Bus Stop (N-bound)494 m

Cities or Towns near Maiden Newton (15 km)

List of places near to Maiden Newton

Maiden Newton0.36 Km
Tollerford0.78 Km
Cruxton1.38 Km
Chilfrome1.47 Km
Cattistock1.83 Km
Toller Fratrum2.20 Km
Notton2.36 Km
Wynford Eagle2.53 Km
Sandhills2.83 Km
Chalmington2.91 Km
Higher Chalmington3.27 Km
Huish3.41 Km
Sydling St Nicholas3.55 Km
Lower Wraxall3.65 Km
Toller Porcorum3.77 Km
Frampton3.96 Km
Southover3.98 Km
Up Sydling4.36 Km
Higher Wraxall4.37 Km
Frome St Quintin4.58 Km
Lower Kingcombe4.61 Km
Compton Valence4.78 Km
West Compton5.16 Km
Clift5.20 Km
Grimstone5.31 Km
Higher Kingcombe5.61 Km
Rampisham5.78 Km
Muckleford5.97 Km
Holywell6.35 Km
Batcombe6.43 Km
Godmanstone6.60 Km
Uphall6.68 Km
Hooke6.75 Km
Stratton6.85 Km
Kingston Russell6.85 Km
Nether Cerne6.88 Km
Forston6.97 Km
Evershot7.08 Km
Pleck7.09 Km
Cerne Abbas7.24 Km
Woolcombe7.38 Km
Hilfield7.42 Km
Up Cerne7.57 Km
Redford7.75 Km
Bradford Peverell7.79 Km
North Poorton7.92 Km
South Poorton7.95 Km
Winterbourne Abbas8.07 Km
Spyway8.41 Km
Minterne Parva8.43 Km

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