Land's End Airport Informations and Location Map, Satellite view of Land's End Airport GPS Location Map

Land's End Airport is located in Land's End, England, United Kingdom. Land's End Airport's IATA code is LEQ and Land's End Airport's ICAO code is EGHC. You can contact the airport via phone at +44 (0) 1736 788771 and fax at +44 (0) 1736 787651. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Land's End Airport by click this link. Land's End Airport Map

Location informations for Land's End Airport

City: Land's End
Country: United Kingdom
Latitude : 50.102798
Longitude : -5.67056
DMS coordinates : 50°6'10.074462890616" N 5°40'14.01557922372" W
OS Grid Coordinates : SW376289
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 309029.39 N: 5553476.01
Current time and date at Land's End Airport is 05:40:20 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/Guernsey)
Elevation: 401 feets (123 meters)
Height above sea level
Length of runway: 2598 ft (792 m)
Land's End Airport Web site can be visited by Click Here

Location Map of Land's End Airport - road map, satellite view and street view

Land's End Airport weather forecast 15 days

The weather for Land's End Airport in the United Kingdom

Get today and tomorrow's weather forecasts for Land's End Airport. Find out the weather forecast report for two weeks and the weekend for Land's End Airport in the UK.
Land's End Airport weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Land's End Airport?

List of Railway Stations near to Land's End Airport
The nearest railway stations to Land's End Airport are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Land's End Airport
Penzance Station10.06 Km
St.Erth Station17.80 Km
St.Ives Station18.11 Km
Carbis Bay Station18.11 Km
Lelant Saltings Station18.42 Km
Lelant Station18.97 Km
Hayle Station20.10 Km
Camborne Station29.15 Km

Airports Near to Land's End Airport

Penzance Heliport , UK (11.20 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Land's End Airport?

List of Stops near to Land's End Airport
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Land's End Airport are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Land's End Airport
Land's End St Just Airport (Entrance)259 m
Land's End St Just Airport259 m
Lands End Airport Bus Stop (NW-bound)259 m
Lands End Airport Bus Stop (opp)264 m
Kelynack Farm Bus Stop (opp)1.07 Km
Kelynack Farm Bus Stop (NW-bound)1.10 Km
Friends Burial Ground Bus Stop (NE-bound)1.68 Km
Friends Burial Ground Bus Stop (opp)1.69 Km
Friends Burial Ground Bus Stop (E-bound)1.69 Km
Friends Burial Ground Bus Stop (opp)1.72 Km

Cities or Towns near Land's End Airport (15 km)

List of places near to Land's End Airport

Kelynack1.20 Km
Nanquidno1.23 Km
Trevegean1.23 Km
Tregiffian1.29 Km
Bosavern1.59 Km
Higher Bosavern1.85 Km
Escalls2.23 Km
Bosorne2.31 Km
Crows-an-wra2.36 Km
St Just / St Just in Penwith2.49 Km
Carn Towan2.66 Km
New Downs2.76 Km
Brane2.78 Km
Tregeseal2.90 Km
Grumbla2.94 Km
Sennen Cove3.25 Km
Boscean3.46 Km
Mayon3.54 Km
Botallack3.79 Km
Sennen4.12 Km
Trevorgans4.24 Km
Carnyorth4.32 Km
Sancreed4.35 Km
Trevescan4.57 Km
Trebehor4.68 Km
Trewellard4.79 Km
St Buryan4.79 Km
Trevilley4.80 Km
Bottoms4.81 Km
Sparnon4.85 Km
Crean4.85 Km
Lower Trewellard4.91 Km
Sellan5.09 Km
Trethewey5.22 Km
Higher Boscaswell5.46 Km
Pendeen5.46 Km
Polgigga5.47 Km
Newbridge5.49 Km
Portherras5.63 Km
Lower Boscaswell5.71 Km
Higher Bojewyan5.83 Km
Highter Bojewyan5.95 Km
Tregadgwith5.97 Km
Great Bosullow5.99 Km
Lower Bodinnar6.00 Km
Treen6.01 Km
Catchall6.04 Km
Porthcurno6.20 Km
Drift6.26 Km
Little Bosullow6.50 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Land's End Airport