Abbey Stadium Location Map, Nearest Stations and Stops

Abbey Stadium is a Football stadium of Cambridge United where 10847 spectators can be seated. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Abbey Stadium by click this link. Abbey Stadium Map

Location informations for Abbey Stadium

Latitude : 52.21279
Longitude : 0.154298
DMS coordinates: 52°12'46.044" N 0°9'15.4728" E
OS Grid Coordinates: TL472593
UTM coordinates (WGS84): Zone 31U E: 305588.52 N: 5788522.58
Current time and date at Abbey Stadium is 02:13:27 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Location Map of Abbey Stadium - road map, satellite view and street view

What is the nearest train station to Abbey Stadium?

List of Railway Stations near to Abbey Stadium
The nearest railway stations to Abbey Stadium are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Abbey Stadium
Cambridge North Station1.33 Km
Cambridge Station2.38 Km
Waterbeach Station6.22 Km
Shelford Station7.18 Km
Whittlesford Station12.17 Km
Foxton Station12.37 Km
Shepreth Station13.81 Km
Dullingham Station14.52 Km
Meldreth Station16.81 Km
Great Chesterford Station17.22 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Abbey Stadium?

List of Stops near to Abbey Stadium
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Abbey Stadium are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Abbey Stadium
Ditton Walk Bus Stop (opp)87 m
Ditton Walk Bus Stop (near)110 m
Stanesfield Road Bus Stop (opp)285 m
Stanesfield Road Bus Stop (near)305 m
Stanley Road Bus Stop (opp)335 m
Stanley Road Bus Stop (near)373 m
Gerard Road Bus Stop (opp)413 m
Malden Close Bus Stop (near)415 m
Pool Way Bus Stop (near)440 m
Malden Close Bus Stop (opp)533 m

Airports Near to Abbey Stadium

Cambridge Airport , UK (1.66 Km)

Duxford Airport , UK (13.65 Km)

Cities or Towns near Abbey Stadium (15 km)

List of places near to Abbey Stadium

Coldham's Common0.89 Km
Chesterton1.03 Km
Romsey Town1.30 Km
Fen Ditton1.41 Km
Kings Hedges2.30 Km
Cambridge2.52 Km
Arbury2.64 Km
Teversham2.66 Km
Newtown2.84 Km
Quy Waters2.85 Km
Cherry Hinton2.95 Km
Orchard Park3.29 Km
Milton3.44 Km
Newnham Croft3.57 Km
Newnham3.71 Km
Horningsea3.87 Km
Stow cum Quy4.75 Km
High Cross4.90 Km
Impington4.96 Km
Trumpington5.27 Km
Histon5.42 Km
Fulbourn5.58 Km
Grantchester5.59 Km
Landbeach5.64 Km
Clayhithe5.77 Km
Girton5.87 Km
Frog End6.28 Km
Waterbeach6.52 Km
Coton6.60 Km
Denny End6.90 Km
Lode6.91 Km
Roman Hill6.94 Km
Great Shelford7.06 Km
Little Wilbraham7.06 Km
Bottisham7.17 Km
Stapleford7.33 Km
Freestones Corner7.37 Km
Barton7.52 Km
Madingley7.73 Km
Great Wilbraham7.81 Km
Westwick7.85 Km
Hauxton7.91 Km
Long Meadow7.96 Km
Oakington8.07 Km
Little Shelford8.16 Km
Cottenham8.29 Km
Swaffham Bulbeck8.79 Km
Commercial End9.17 Km
Comberton9.65 Km
Haslingfield9.68 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Abbey Stadium

List of Historic places near to Abbey Stadium

NameDistances from Abbey Stadium
Cambridge Leper Chapel0.16 Km
Jesus College1.98 Km
Cambridge, All Saints2.02 Km
Sidney Sussex College2.29 Km
Christs College, University of Cambridge2.30 Km
Emmanuel College2.31 Km
Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology2.46 Km
Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences2.46 Km
Cambridge University Museum of Zoology2.46 Km
Scott Polar Research Institute2.47 Km
Pembroke College2.52 Km
St Johns College2.53 Km
Round Church, Cambridge2.53 Km
Trinity College2.55 Km
Gonville and Caius College2.56 Km
Whipple Museum of the History of Science2.61 Km
Magdalene College2.61 Km
Primavera Gallery2.62 Km
Great St Marys, Cambridge2.65 Km
Kings College Chapel2.66 Km
Kings College2.66 Km
Cambridge and County Folk Museum2.70 Km
Corpus Christi College2.71 Km
Trinity Hall2.71 Km
Cambridge University Botanic Gardens2.72 Km
St Benets (St Benedicts), Cambridge2.72 Km
Little St Marys, Cambridge2.73 Km
Fitzwilliam Museum2.75 Km
Cambridge, St Peters Church2.75 Km
Peterhouse College2.78 Km
Clare College2.78 Km
St Catharines College2.81 Km
Queens College2.96 Km
Trumpington, St Mary & St Michael5.27 Km
Anglesey Abbey6.42 Km
American War Cemetery6.96 Km
Bottisham, Holy Trinity Church7.35 Km
Barton, St Peters Church7.42 Km
Denny Abbey and Farmland Museum9.44 Km
Longstanton, St Michaels Church9.52 Km
Swaffham Prior, St Cyriac & St Julitta10.53 Km
Swaffham Prior, St Marys Church10.54 Km
Duxford Chapel12.07 Km
Hildersham, Holy Trinity Church12.76 Km
Willingham, St Marys Church13.04 Km
Duxford, St Johns Church13.20 Km
Imperial War Museum Duxford13.23 Km
Kingston, All Saints and St Andrew13.25 Km
Burwell, St Marys Church13.46 Km
Burwell Museum and Windmill13.67 Km