Tamworth Low Level Railway Station Location Map, Where is Tamworth Low Level Station?

Tamworth Low Level train station is a National Rail station managed by West Midlands Trains. Station code for Tamworth Low Level is TAM. The National Location Code (NLC) is 1322. Postcode for Tamworth Low Level is B79 7JT.

Location informations for Tamworth Low Level Station

Station Code : TAM
Postcode : B79 7JT
Latitude : 52.637475
Longitude : -1.686465
DMS coordinates : 52°38'14.91119992716" N 1°41'11.27242249662" W
OS Grid Reference : SK213044
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 588886.39 N: 5832753.77
Current time and date at Tamworth Low Level is 06:06:18 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Live Tamworth Low Level DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Tamworth Low Level ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Tamworth Low Level Station

What is the nearest train station to Tamworth Low Level?

List of Railway Stations near to Tamworth Low Level
The nearest railway stations to Tamworth Low Level are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Tamworth Low Level
Wilnecote Station3.01 Km
Polesworth Station5.29 Km
Lichfield Trent Valley Station9.44 Km
Lichfield City Station10.50 Km
Shenstone Station10.65 Km
Atherstone Station11.13 Km
Blake Street Station11.29 Km
Butlers Lane Station11.39 Km
Four Oaks Station11.51 Km
Sutton Coldfield Station12.34 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Tamworth Low Level?

List of Stops near to Tamworth Low Level
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Tamworth Low Level are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Tamworth Low Level
Tamworth Rail Station0 m
Tamworth High Level Rail Station1 m
Tamworth HL Rail Station (Main Entrance)16 m
Tamworth Rail Station (Main Entrance)73 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (Adj)75 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (Opp)170 m
Tamworth Railway Station Bus Stop (Adj)184 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (Near)236 m
Aldi Store Bus Stop (Adj)402 m
Aldi Store Bus Stop (Opp)428 m

Cities or Towns near Tamworth Low Level (15 km)

List of places near to Tamworth Low Level

Tamworth0.60 Km
Perry Crofts0.70 Km
Bolehall0.74 Km
Gillway0.81 Km
The Leys0.91 Km
Borough Park1.06 Km
Browns Lane1.19 Km
Glascote1.34 Km
Kettlebrook1.41 Km
Bitterscote1.63 Km
The Alders1.81 Km
Amington1.91 Km
Leyfields2.09 Km
Wigginton2.11 Km
Coton Farm2.29 Km
Belgrave2.30 Km
Coton Green2.34 Km
Glascote Heath2.54 Km
Fazeley2.68 Km
Bonehill2.80 Km
Coton3.00 Km
Two Gates3.03 Km
Comberford3.44 Km
The Bodnets3.51 Km
Stonydelph3.59 Km
Mile Oak3.59 Km
Alvecote3.73 Km
Wilnecote3.82 Km
Hopwas3.90 Km
Dosthill4.13 Km
Shuttington4.30 Km
Drayton Bassett4.61 Km
Hockley4.63 Km
Birchmoor4.87 Km
Fisherwick5.07 Km
Polesworth5.23 Km
Whateley5.39 Km
Hademore5.43 Km
Freasley5.44 Km
Hints5.56 Km
Seckington5.73 Km
St Helena5.96 Km
Haselour6.08 Km
Thorpe Constantine6.25 Km
Dordon6.30 Km
Cliff6.43 Km
Elford6.48 Km
Piccadilly6.51 Km
Whittington6.53 Km
Harlaston6.55 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Tamworth Low Level

List of Historic places near to Tamworth Low Level

NameDistances from Tamworth Low Level
Tamworth Castle0.88 Km
Twycross Zoo10.69 Km
Catton Hall10.90 Km
Wall Roman Site (Letocetum Baths and Museum)11.69 Km
Stretton-en-le-Field, St Michaels Church11.83 Km
Moira Furnace14.75 Km
