Butlers Lane Railway Station Location Map, Where is Butlers Lane Station?

Butlers Lane train station is a National Rail station managed by West Midlands Trains. Station code for Butlers Lane is BUL. The National Location Code (NLC) is 1179. Postcode for Butlers Lane is B74 4RT.

Location informations for Butlers Lane Station

Station Code : BUL
Postcode : B74 4RT
Latitude : 52.592471
Longitude : -1.83802
DMS coordinates : 52°35'32.89540146396" N 1°50'16.8731458305" W
OS Grid Reference : SP110994
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 578711.74 N: 5827571.88
Current time and date at Butlers Lane is 06:59:31 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Live Butlers Lane DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Butlers Lane ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Butlers Lane Station

What is the nearest train station to Butlers Lane?

List of Railway Stations near to Butlers Lane
The nearest railway stations to Butlers Lane are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Butlers Lane
Blake Street Station1.46 Km
Four Oaks Station1.56 Km
Sutton Coldfield Station3.19 Km
Wylde Green Station5.22 Km
Shenstone Station5.23 Km
Chester Road Station6.33 Km
Erdington Station7.14 Km
Gravelly Hill Station8.67 Km
Hamstead Station9.19 Km
Witton Station9.44 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Butlers Lane?

List of Stops near to Butlers Lane
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Butlers Lane are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Butlers Lane
Butlers Lane Rail Station0 m
Butlers Lane Rail Station (Entr To Birmingha)19 m
Butlers Lane Rail Station (Entr From Birming)40 m
Butlers Lane Rail Stn Bus Stop (adj)130 m
Clarence Rd Bus Stop (before)163 m
Clarence Rd Bus Stop (adj)211 m
Butlers Lane Bus Stop (opp)218 m
Butlers Lane Bus Stop (adj)228 m
Butlers Lane Bus Stop (before)265 m
Butlers Lane Bus Stop (opp)271 m

Cities or Towns near Butlers Lane (15 km)

List of places near to Butlers Lane

Four Oaks0.55 Km
Hill0.76 Km
Mere Green0.79 Km
Watford Gap1.16 Km
Ley Hill1.23 Km
Streetly1.34 Km
Hill Hook1.35 Km
Hill Wood1.79 Km
Roughley1.79 Km
Ladywood1.83 Km
Moor Hall1.96 Km
Doe Bank2.25 Km
Little Aston2.26 Km
Shenstone Woodend2.50 Km
Four Oaks Park2.58 Km
Tudor Hill2.95 Km
Little Hay3.23 Km
Hardwick3.32 Km
Footherley3.37 Km
Royal Sutton Coldfield3.42 Km
Whitehouse Common3.44 Km
Bassetts Pole3.48 Km
Streetly3.54 Km
Maney3.86 Km
Mill Green3.93 Km
Carroway Head4.03 Km
Banners Gate4.20 Km
Bourne Vale4.25 Km
Reddicap Heath4.49 Km
Falcon Lodge4.50 Km
Sutton Coldfield4.61 Km
Littleworth End4.82 Km
Wylde Green5.02 Km
New Oscott5.03 Km
Barr Common5.08 Km
Lower Stonnall5.22 Km
Boldmere5.23 Km
Shenstone5.26 Km
Thornes5.45 Km
Thimble End5.48 Km
Aldridge5.54 Km
Lynn5.69 Km
Weeford5.73 Km
Kingstanding5.86 Km
Oscott5.93 Km
Old Oscott5.93 Km
Stonnall5.93 Km
Pheasey5.98 Km
Allen End6.16 Km
Hints6.16 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Butlers Lane

List of Historic places near to Butlers Lane

NameDistances from Butlers Lane
Wall Roman Site (Letocetum Baths and Museum)7.22 Km
Tamworth Castle10.53 Km
Birmingham Back to Backs13.73 Km
