Newstead Railway Station Location Map, Where is Newstead Station?

Newstead train station is a National Rail station managed by East Midlands Trains. Station code for Newstead is NSD. The National Location Code (NLC) is 1863. Postcode for Newstead is NG15 0BF.

Location informations for Newstead Station

Station Code : NSD
Postcode : NG15 0BF
Latitude : 53.069983
Longitude : -1.221788
DMS coordinates : 53°4'11.93743669044" N 1°13'18.4359322851" W
OS Grid Reference : SK522528
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 619138.13 N: 5881533.62
Current time and date at Newstead is 11:07:11 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Live Newstead DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Newstead ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Newstead Station

What is the nearest train station to Newstead?

List of Railway Stations near to Newstead
The nearest railway stations to Newstead are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Newstead
Hucknall Station3.93 Km
Kirkby in Ashfield Station3.95 Km
Sutton Parkway Station5.16 Km
Bulwell Station8.00 Km
Mansfield Town Station8.17 Km
Langley Mill Station9.32 Km
Alfreton Station10.44 Km
Mansfield Woodhouse Station10.49 Km
Ilkeston Station11.18 Km
Nottingham Station14.57 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Newstead?

List of Stops near to Newstead
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Newstead are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Newstead
Newstead Rail Station0 m
Newstead Rail Station (entrance)27 m
Annesley Tilford Road Bus Stop (Level Crossing)185 m
Annesley Tilford Road Bus Stop (School)388 m
Triangle Bus Stop (adj)475 m
Triangle Bus Stop (opp)486 m
Musters Road Bus Stop (adj)540 m
Musters Road Bus Stop (opp)548 m
Hazelford Way Bus Stop (adj)582 m
Hazelford Way Bus Stop (opp)584 m

Cities or Towns near Newstead (15 km)

List of places near to Newstead

Newstead0.31 Km
Annesley1.02 Km
Linby2.27 Km
Wighay2.34 Km
Annesley Woodhouse2.48 Km
Nuncargate2.66 Km
Papplewick3.13 Km
Kirkby Woodhouse3.25 Km
Kirkby-in-Ashfield3.54 Km
Cox Moor3.76 Km
Hucknall3.79 Km
Ravenshead4.07 Km
Beauvale4.15 Km
Bentinck Town4.30 Km
Hazelgrove4.51 Km
Annesley Lane End4.54 Km
Ruffs4.56 Km
Skegness4.58 Km
Butler's Hill4.61 Km
New Bagthorpe4.73 Km
Woodnook4.83 Km
Selston Common4.84 Km
Friezeland4.89 Km
Selston4.94 Km
Broomhill5.07 Km
Alma5.18 Km
Harlow Wood5.21 Km
Bagthorpe5.25 Km
Blidworth Dale5.29 Km
Westville5.34 Km
Hanstubbin5.35 Km
Inkerman5.37 Km
Rosemaryhill5.38 Km
Allen's Green5.49 Km
Underwood5.55 Km
Commonside5.56 Km
Dove Green5.87 Km
Bestwood Village5.96 Km
Hall Green6.10 Km
Bestwood St Albans6.17 Km
Moorgreen6.43 Km
Greasley6.44 Km
Plain Spot6.46 Km
Selston Green6.51 Km
New Westwood6.57 Km
Brinsley6.73 Km
New Brinsley6.74 Km
Toadhole6.80 Km
Sutton Forest Side6.87 Km
Barrows Green6.89 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Newstead

List of Historic places near to Newstead

NameDistances from Newstead
Newstead Abbey2.17 Km
Papplewick Pumping Station6.21 Km
Hardwick Old Hall12.26 Km
Stainsby Mill12.43 Km
Wollaton Hall and Natural History Museum13.63 Km
Hardwick Hall13.96 Km
Wingfield Manor14.91 Km