Allen's West Railway Station Location Map, Where is Allen's West Station?

Allen's West train station is a National Rail station managed by Northern. Station code for Allen's West is ALW. The National Location Code (NLC) is 7520. Postcode for Allen's West is TS16 0PF.

Location informations for Allen's West Station

Station Code : ALW
Postcode : TS16 0PF
Latitude : 54.524623
Longitude : -1.361117
DMS coordinates : 54°31'28.6441142682" N 1°21'40.02060534306" W
OS Grid Reference : NZ414145
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 606068.06 N: 6043129.59
Current time and date at Allen's West is 06:57:46 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)

Live Allen's West DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Allen's West ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Allen's West Station

What is the nearest train station to Allen's West?

List of Railway Stations near to Allen's West
The nearest railway stations to Allen's West are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Allen's West
Eaglescliffe Station924 m
Yarm Station3.47 Km
Teesside Airport Station4.21 Km
Thornaby Station5.45 Km
Stockton Station5.71 Km
Dinsdale Station6.93 Km
Middlesbrough Station10.16 Km
James Cook University Hospital Station10.30 Km
Billingham Station10.42 Km
Marton Station10.72 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Allen's West?

List of Stops near to Allen's West
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Allen's West are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Allen's West
Allens West Rail Station0 m
Allens West Rail Station (1)12 m
Allens West Roundabout Bus Stop (B)164 m
Greenfield Drive Bus Stop (A)183 m
Greenfield Drive Bus Stop (B)206 m
Allens West Roundabout Bus Stop (A)266 m
The Eagle Bus Stop (B)545 m
Grassholme Way Bus Stop (A)582 m
Grassholme Way Bus Stop (B)588 m
Highfield Gardens Bus Stop (B)624 m

Airports Near to Allen's West

Durham Tees Valley Airport , UK (4.73 Km)

Cities or Towns near Allen's West (15 km)

List of places near to Allen's West

Egglescliffe0.71 Km
Urlay Nook0.95 Km
Eaglescliffe0.99 Km
Yarm1.80 Km
Preston-on-Tees2.36 Km
Aislaby2.41 Km
Roundhill Village2.45 Km
Elton3.08 Km
Ingleby Barwick3.32 Km
Hartburn3.67 Km
High Leven3.67 Km
Longnewton3.79 Km
Castlelevington4.30 Km
Oxbridge4.42 Km
Newsham4.63 Km
Thornaby-on-Tees4.66 Km
Kirklevington4.93 Km
Grangefield4.97 Km
Stockton Grange5.22 Km
Maltby5.32 Km
Low Worsall5.33 Km
Stockton-on-Tees5.38 Km
Newham Grange5.44 Km
Elm Tree5.46 Km
Newtown5.64 Km
Queen's Park5.65 Km
Oak Tree5.73 Km
Whinny Hill5.75 Km
Primrose Hill5.77 Km
High Worsall5.78 Km
Bishopsgarth5.96 Km
Hilton6.02 Km
Gilpin Brown6.11 Km
St Ann's Hill6.22 Km
Middleton One Row6.28 Km
Thornton6.50 Km
Stainton6.56 Km
Hardwick6.59 Km
Ragworth6.59 Km
Whinney Banks6.76 Km
Middleton St George6.98 Km
Middleton-on-Leven7.01 Km
Mount Pleasant7.08 Km
Roseworth7.12 Km
Over Dinsdale7.13 Km
Redmarshall7.14 Km
Picton7.16 Km
Acklam7.18 Km
Brookfield7.23 Km
Portrack7.28 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Allen's West

List of Historic places near to Allen's West

NameDistances from Allen's West
Ormesby Hall11.79 Km
Whorlton Castle13.78 Km
Whorlton Old Church13.89 Km