Stamford Railway Station Location Map, Where is Stamford Station?

Stamford train station is a National Rail station managed by East Midlands Trains. Station code for Stamford is SMD. The National Location Code (NLC) is 6140. Postcode for Stamford is PE9 2WB.

Location informations for Stamford Station

Station Code : SMD
Postcode : PE9 2WB
Latitude : 52.647831
Longitude : -0.480115
DMS coordinates : 52°38'52.19201254452" N 0°28'48.41485064112" W
OS Grid Reference : TF029066
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 670468.72 N: 5836076.52
Current time and date at Stamford is 07:06:50 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Live Stamford DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Stamford ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Stamford Station

What is the nearest train station to Stamford?

List of Railway Stations near to Stamford
The nearest railway stations to Stamford are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Stamford
Oakham Station17.35 Km
Peterborough Station17.53 Km
Corby Station22.60 Km
Whittlesea Station26.73 Km
Spalding Station26.83 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Stamford?

List of Stops near to Stamford
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Stamford are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Stamford
Stamford Rail Station0 m
Stamford Rail Station (Entrance)14 m
Stamford Rail Station (Entrance)14 m
High School Bus Stop (opp)214 m
High School Bus Stop (o/s)225 m
St Marys Medical Centre Bus Stop (opp)354 m
St Marys Medical Centre Bus Stop (o/s)360 m
Bus Station (Bay 8)411 m
Bus Station (Bay 7)413 m
Bus Station Bus Stop414 m

Airports Near to Stamford

RAF Wittering , UK (3.93 Km)

RAF Cottesmore , UK (14.99 Km)

Cities or Towns near Stamford (15 km)

List of places near to Stamford

Newtown0.29 Km
Stamford0.48 Km
Wothorpe0.64 Km
Northfields1.18 Km
Newstead2.20 Km
Tinwell2.44 Km
Easton on the Hill2.92 Km
Little Casterton3.32 Km
Uffington3.42 Km
Great Casterton3.59 Km
Pilsgate3.69 Km
Belmesthorpe3.83 Km
Ingthorpe3.94 Km
Ryhall4.30 Km
Wittering4.85 Km
Tickencote4.90 Km
Aldgate4.91 Km
Geeston4.91 Km
Collyweston5.06 Km
Barnack5.07 Km
Ketton5.45 Km
Essendine6.26 Km
Tallington6.42 Km
Southorpe6.59 Km
Bainton6.61 Km
Ufford6.92 Km
Duddington7.04 Km
Thornhaugh7.21 Km
Ashton7.33 Km
Barholm7.46 Km
Carlby7.66 Km
Greatford7.79 Km
Aunby7.83 Km
Pickworth7.87 Km
Tixover7.99 Km
Empingham8.18 Km
Lolham8.19 Km
Braceborough8.23 Km
West Deeping8.35 Km
Normanton8.51 Km
Wansford8.57 Km
Helpston9.29 Km
Wilsthorpe9.49 Km
Holywell9.55 Km
Maxey9.68 Km
Castle End9.72 Km
King's Cliffe9.76 Km
Sutton9.80 Km
Upton9.82 Km
Careby9.88 Km

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