Poynton Railway Station Location Map, Where is Poynton Station?

Poynton train station is a National Rail station managed by Northern. Station code for Poynton is PYT. The National Location Code (NLC) is 2874. Postcode for Poynton is SK12 1HB.

Location informations for Poynton Station

Station Code : PYT
Postcode : SK12 1HB
Latitude : 53.350386
Longitude : -2.13441
DMS coordinates : 53°21'1.38941682084" N 2°8'3.87741584094" W
OS Grid Reference : SJ911837
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 557618.04 N: 5911598.43
Current time and date at Poynton is 02:16:01 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)

Live Poynton DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Poynton ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Poynton Station

What is the nearest train station to Poynton?

List of Railway Stations near to Poynton
The nearest railway stations to Poynton are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Poynton
Bramhall Station2.25 Km
Hazel Grove Station3.13 Km
Adlington (Cheshire) Station3.43 Km
Middlewood Station3.55 Km
Woodsmoor Station4.05 Km
Cheadle Hulme Station4.57 Km
Davenport Station4.67 Km
Handforth Station5.28 Km
Disley Station6.16 Km
Prestbury Station6.38 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Poynton?

List of Stops near to Poynton
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Poynton are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Poynton
Poynton Rail Station0 m
Poynton Rail Station (Main Entrance)20 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (nr)110 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (adj)159 m
Hazelbadge Road Bus Stop (cnr)202 m
Hazelbadge Road Bus Stop (opp)213 m
Clifford Road Bus Stop (opp)334 m
Clifford Road Bus Stop (cnr)359 m
Deva Close Bus Stop (nr)385 m
Distaff Road Bus Stop (opp)430 m

Airports Near to Poynton

Manchester Woodford Airport , UK (1.67 Km)

Manchester Airport , UK (9.34 Km)

Cities or Towns near Poynton (15 km)

List of places near to Poynton

Poynton0.82 Km
Midway1.05 Km
Hope Green1.56 Km
Hockley2.11 Km
Woodford2.19 Km
Wardsend2.29 Km
Bramhall2.32 Km
Skellorn Green2.36 Km
Pownall Green2.39 Km
Norbury Moor2.49 Km
Kitt's Moss2.66 Km
Booth Green3.02 Km
Wood Lanes3.15 Km
Bramhall Moor3.18 Km
Bramhall Green3.18 Km
Higher Poynton3.21 Km
Middlewood3.29 Km
Adlington3.31 Km
Hazel Grove3.38 Km
Torkington3.79 Km
Bramhall Park3.97 Km
Smithy Green3.98 Km
Stepping Hill3.99 Km
Woods Moor4.00 Km
Gillbent4.22 Km
Dean Row4.47 Km
Cheadle Hulme4.56 Km
Windlehurst4.63 Km
High Lane4.67 Km
Davenport4.70 Km
Stockport Great Moor4.73 Km
Mile End4.92 Km
Clark Green5.09 Km
Whiteley Green5.11 Km
Adswood5.11 Km
Heaviley5.16 Km
Foggbrook5.20 Km
Cale Green5.23 Km
Offerton5.30 Km
Offerton Green5.31 Km
Wilmslow Park5.37 Km
Handforth5.38 Km
Stanley Green5.51 Km
Shaw Heath5.61 Km
Little Moor5.81 Km
Pott Shrigley5.87 Km
Hawk Green5.88 Km
Finney Green5.99 Km
Butley Town6.10 Km
Edgeley6.21 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Poynton

List of Historic places near to Poynton

NameDistances from Poynton
Adlington Hall3.33 Km
Bramall Hall3.39 Km
Lyme Park5.46 Km
Heaton Norris, Christ Church7.51 Km
Quarry Bank Mill7.69 Km
Hare Hill Garden7.75 Km
Alderley Edge7.83 Km
Macclesfield, Christ Church10.05 Km
Nether Alderley Mill10.16 Km
Siddington, All Saints Church11.54 Km
Capesthorne Hall13.05 Km
Forest Chapel13.14 Km
Gawsworth, St James Church14.17 Km
Gawsworth Hall14.20 Km
