Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal Location on a map of Eday

The Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal is located on B9036 South in Eday. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal by click this link. Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal Map

Location informations for Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal

Name: Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal
Street: B9036 South
Locality: Eday
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Ferry
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9300EDY
Latitude : 59.155531
Longitude : -2.747384
DMS coordinates : 59°9'19.91225268" N 2°44'50.58202992" W
Current time and date at Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal is 05:43:19 (12/08/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal.

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal?

List of Stops near to Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal
Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal0 m
Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal Ferry Terminal (Entrance)40 m
Ferry Terminal Ferry Terminal (entrance)263 m
London Airport (Entrance)4.26 Km
Eday Airport4.31 Km
Airfield Building (Airfield Building)4.46 Km
Ferry Terminal Ferry Terminal (Entrance)4.66 Km
Loth Pier Bus Stop (at)4.85 Km
Sanday Orkney Ferry Terminal4.86 Km
Sanday Orkney Ferry Terminal Ferry Terminal (Entrance)4.87 Km

Airports Near to Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal

Eday Airport , UK (4.15 Km)

Stronsay Airport , UK (6.04 Km)

Sanday Airport , UK (14.34 Km)

Cities or Towns near Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal (15 km)

List of places near to Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal

Veness0.49 Km
Backaland1.11 Km
Whithebeir4.47 Km
West Side4.62 Km
Millbounds5.46 Km
Mill Bay6.14 Km
Hamarhill6.39 Km
Hammarhill6.44 Km
Stove6.50 Km
Guith6.86 Km
Braeswick7.81 Km
Calfsound7.85 Km
Cusbay8.08 Km
Rothiesholm8.24 Km
Whitehall Village8.58 Km
Laminess8.61 Km
Aith8.66 Km
Wardhill9.25 Km
Lower Whitehall9.26 Km
Burroughston9.80 Km
Grobister9.84 Km
Dishes10.98 Km
Everbay11.34 Km
Rapness12.04 Km
Kettletoft12.68 Km
Broughtown13.37 Km
Sourin13.98 Km
Brinian14.29 Km
Newbiggings14.58 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal

List of Historic places near to Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal

NameDistances from Eday Orkney Ferry Terminal
St Magnus Church10.72 Km
Quoyness Chambered Cairn12.85 Km
Yetnasteen Standing Stone12.87 Km
Cubbie Rows Castle13.61 Km
Taversoe Tuick Chambered Cairn14.91 Km