Camelon Railway Station Location Map, Where is Camelon Station?

Camelon train station is a National Rail station managed by ScotRail. Station code for Camelon is CMO. The National Location Code (NLC) is 9878. Postcode for Camelon is FK1 4JW.

Location informations for Camelon Station

Station Code : CMO
Postcode : FK1 4JW
Latitude : 56.006096
Longitude : -3.817606
DMS coordinates : 56°0'21.94568891316" N 3°49'3.38144201172" W
OS Grid Reference : NS867807
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30V E: 449016.38 N: 6207059.66
Current time and date at Camelon is 06:30:25 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)

Live Camelon DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Camelon ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Camelon Station

What is the nearest train station to Camelon?

List of Railway Stations near to Camelon
The nearest railway stations to Camelon are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Camelon
Larbert Station2.02 Km
Falkirk Grahamston Station2.06 Km
Falkirk High Station2.24 Km
Polmont Station6.81 Km
Cumbernauld Station12.38 Km
Alloa Station12.54 Km
Greenfaulds Station13.47 Km
Caldercruix Station13.84 Km
Blackridge Station14.17 Km
Linlithgow Station14.18 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Camelon?

List of Stops near to Camelon
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Camelon are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Camelon
Camelon Rail Station0 m
Camelon Rail Station (East Entrance)1 m
Camelon Rail Station (Main Entrance)63 m
Carmuirs Golf Club Bus Stop (at)137 m
Sensory Centre Bus Stop (opp)159 m
Mariner Centre Bus Stop (at)170 m
Sensory Centre Bus Stop (at)174 m
Mariner Centre Bus Stop (opp and after)193 m
Carmuirs Golf Club Bus Stop (opp)225 m
Tesco Bus Stop (opp)261 m

Cities or Towns near Camelon (15 km)

List of places near to Camelon

Camelon0.41 Km
Summerford0.93 Km
Bantaskin1.07 Km
Tamfourhill1.18 Km
Carmuirs1.30 Km
Merchiston1.32 Km
Greenbank1.45 Km
Mungal1.59 Km
Arnothill1.73 Km
Larbert1.90 Km
Woodlands1.91 Km
South Broomage1.94 Km
Grahamston2.07 Km
Falkirk2.17 Km
Stenhousemuir2.19 Km
Bainsford2.34 Km
Carron2.52 Km
Bankside2.66 Km
Langlees2.71 Km
Ladysmill2.80 Km
North Broomage2.96 Km
Glen Village2.98 Km
Callendar Park3.00 Km
Middlefield3.13 Km
Hallglen3.20 Km
Antonshill3.28 Km
Carronshore3.31 Km
High Bonnybridge3.92 Km
Laurieston4.31 Km
Bonnybridge4.57 Km
Glensburgh4.74 Km
Skinflats4.75 Km
Beancross4.88 Km
Greenhill4.89 Km
Westquarter4.97 Km
Bonnyfield4.99 Km
Shieldhill5.02 Km
Torwood5.08 Km
Easter Shieldhill5.11 Km
Milnquarter5.39 Km
Redding5.63 Km
Reddingmuirhead5.65 Km
Jawcraig5.69 Km
Middlerig5.72 Km
Bankhead5.76 Km
California5.89 Km
Denny5.89 Km
Letham5.90 Km
Dennyloanhead5.92 Km
Head of Muir5.93 Km

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