Letchworth Railway Station Location Map, Where is Letchworth Station?

Letchworth train station is a National Rail station managed by Govia Thameslink Railway. Station code for Letchworth is LET. The National Location Code (NLC) is 6089. Postcode for Letchworth is SG6 3AN.

Location informations for Letchworth Station

Station Code : LET
Postcode : SG6 3AN
Latitude : 51.979963
Longitude : -0.229264
DMS coordinates : 51°58'47.86569245496" N 0°13'45.35097997392" W
OS Grid Reference : TL217327
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 690279.59 N: 5762435.36
Current time and date at Letchworth is 07:00:16 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Live Letchworth DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Letchworth ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Letchworth Station

What is the nearest train station to Letchworth?

List of Railway Stations near to Letchworth
The nearest railway stations to Letchworth are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Letchworth
Baldock Station3.20 Km
Hitchin Station3.78 Km
Arlesey Station5.72 Km
Stevenage Station8.84 Km
Ashwell and Morden Station9.94 Km
Biggleswade Station11.85 Km
Knebworth Station12.90 Km
Watton-At-Stone Station15.67 Km
Royston Station16.06 Km
Sandy Station16.48 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Letchworth?

List of Stops near to Letchworth
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Letchworth are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Letchworth
Letchworth Rail Station0 m
Letchworth Rail Station (entrance)13 m
Letchworth Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop D)50 m
Letchworth Railway Station West Bus Stop (Stop A)58 m
Barclays Bank Bus Stop74 m
Letchworth Railway Station West Bus Stop (Stop B)76 m
Letchworth Railway Station East Bus Stop (Stop E)115 m
Broadway Bus Stop (Stop G)127 m
Letchworth Railway Station East Bus Stop (Stop C)142 m
Broadway Bus Stop (Stop H)186 m

Cities or Towns near Letchworth (15 km)

List of places near to Letchworth

Letchworth0.32 Km
Norton2.15 Km
Willian2.19 Km
Cadwell2.93 Km
Baldock2.98 Km
Purwell3.13 Km
Lower Green3.16 Km
Walsworth3.18 Km
Radwell3.38 Km
Ickleford3.63 Km
Clothall Common3.74 Km
Arlesey3.90 Km
Stotfold4.03 Km
Snailswell4.21 Km
Great Wymondley4.26 Km
Oakfield4.64 Km
Sunnyside4.81 Km
Green End4.83 Km
Hitchin4.86 Km
Westmill4.88 Km
Weston4.92 Km
Damask Green4.99 Km
Graveley5.09 Km
Church End5.12 Km
Holwell5.15 Km
Holwellbury5.18 Km
Ashbrook5.21 Km
Wymondley Bury5.26 Km
Hickman's Hill5.27 Km
Hitchin Hill5.32 Km
Little Wymondley5.33 Km
Newnham5.36 Km
Stotfold Common5.41 Km
Clothall5.51 Km
Church End5.58 Km
Bygrave5.81 Km
Astwick5.82 Km
St Ippolyts5.99 Km
Charlton6.03 Km
Caldecote6.12 Km
Redcoats Green6.17 Km
Titmore Green6.18 Km
Warren's Green6.32 Km
Todd's Green6.38 Km
Gosmore6.41 Km
Lower Titmore Green6.47 Km
St Ibbs6.53 Km
Lower Stondon6.61 Km
Fishers Green6.67 Km
Hall's Green6.96 Km

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