Victoria Road Stadium Location Map, Nearest Stations and Stops

Victoria Road Stadium is a Football stadium of Dagenham and Redbridge where 6078 spectators can be seated. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Victoria Road Stadium by click this link. Victoria Road Stadium Map

Location informations for Victoria Road Stadium

Latitude : 51.54779
Longitude : 0.159739
DMS coordinates: 51°32'52.044" N 0°9'35.0604" E
OS Grid Coordinates: TQ498854
UTM coordinates (WGS84): Zone 31U E: 303074.19 N: 5714567.91
Current time and date at Victoria Road Stadium is 06:15:00 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Location Map of Victoria Road Stadium - road map, satellite view and street view

What is the nearest train station to Victoria Road Stadium?

List of Railway Stations near to Victoria Road Stadium
The nearest railway stations to Victoria Road Stadium are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Victoria Road Stadium
Dagenham Dock Station2.59 Km
Chadwell Heath Station3.10 Km
Romford Station3.42 Km
Goodmayes Station3.92 Km
Rainham (Essex) Station4.06 Km
Seven Kings Station4.69 Km
Emerson Park Station4.77 Km
Gidea Park Station4.96 Km
Barking Station5.53 Km
Belvedere Station6.21 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Victoria Road Stadium?

List of Stops near to Victoria Road Stadium
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Victoria Road Stadium are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Victoria Road Stadium
Victoria Road Dagenham Bus Stop (Stop R)241 m
Victoria Road Dagenham Bus Stop (Stop A)261 m
Kent Road Reede Road Bus Stop (->E)307 m
Dagenham Road (RM10) Bus Stop (Stop)310 m
Kent Road Reede Road Bus Stop (->W)311 m
Reede Road Sufflok Road Bus Stop (Stop)312 m
Oxlow Lane (RM10) Bus Stop (Stop)378 m
Rainham Road North Bus Stop (Stop)395 m
Rainham Road North Bus Stop (Stop)396 m
Reede Road Dagenham Bus Stop (Stop P)402 m

Airports Near to Victoria Road Stadium

London City Airport , UK (8.63 Km)

Stapleford Aerodrome , UK (11.65 Km)

Thurrock Airfield , UK (14.42 Km)

Cities or Towns near Victoria Road Stadium (15 km)

List of places near to Victoria Road Stadium

Dagenham0.93 Km
Becontree1.78 Km
Becontree Heath2.06 Km
Rush Green2.27 Km
Elm Park2.78 Km
South Hornchurch3.02 Km
Castle Green3.04 Km
Chadwell Heath3.37 Km
Goodmayes3.76 Km
Rainham3.85 Km
Romford4.05 Km
Barking Riverside4.32 Km
Hornchurch4.49 Km
Crossness4.64 Km
Hacton4.73 Km
Gidea Park5.06 Km
Little Heath5.09 Km
Seven Kings5.19 Km
Marks Gate5.22 Km
Creekmouth5.32 Km
Loxford5.37 Km
Newbury Park5.44 Km
Rise Park5.53 Km
Ardleigh Green5.56 Km
Thamesmead5.59 Km
Aldborough Hatch5.62 Km
Upminster Bridge5.64 Km
Barking5.69 Km
Emerson Park5.79 Km
Collier Row5.81 Km
Ilford6.06 Km
Corbets Tey6.11 Km
Wennington6.18 Km
Gallows Corner6.25 Km
Upminster6.25 Km
Lower Belvedere6.31 Km
Chase Cross6.57 Km
Wallend6.74 Km
Coldharbour6.77 Km
Little Ilford6.91 Km
Belvedere6.93 Km
Fairlop6.97 Km
Gants Hill6.99 Km
Manor Park6.99 Km
Harold Wood7.01 Km
Cranbrook7.11 Km
Abbey Wood7.27 Km
Fullwell Cross7.30 Km
Lessness Heath7.31 Km
West Thamesmead7.39 Km

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