Glanford Park Stadium Location Map, Nearest Stations and Stops

Glanford Park Stadium is a Football stadium of Scunthorpe United where 9088 spectators can be seated. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Glanford Park Stadium by click this link. Glanford Park Stadium Map

Location informations for Glanford Park Stadium

Latitude : 53.5867
Longitude : -0.695244
DMS coordinates: 53°35'12.12" N 0°41'42.8784" W
OS Grid Coordinates: SE864108
UTM coordinates (WGS84): Zone 30U E: 652556.06 N: 5940009.12
Current time and date at Glanford Park Stadium is 06:59:34 (07/27/2024) : (Europe/London)

Location Map of Glanford Park Stadium - road map, satellite view and street view

What is the nearest train station to Glanford Park Stadium?

List of Railway Stations near to Glanford Park Stadium
The nearest railway stations to Glanford Park Stadium are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Glanford Park Stadium
Althorpe Station2.51 Km
Scunthorpe Station2.92 Km
Crowle Station8.07 Km
Kirton Lindsey Station13.16 Km
Brigg Station14.43 Km
Saltmarshe Station16.82 Km
Broomfleet Station17.14 Km
Thorne South Station17.25 Km
Brough Station17.38 Km
Goole Station17.66 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Glanford Park Stadium?

List of Stops near to Glanford Park Stadium
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Glanford Park Stadium are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Glanford Park Stadium
United Football Ground Bus Stop (in)83 m
Gallagher Retail Park Bus Stop (opp)281 m
Gallagher Retail Park Bus Stop (adj)333 m
Tesco Bus Stop (in)371 m
Minster Road Day Centre Bus Stop (adj)434 m
Minster Road Day Centre Bus Stop (opp)440 m
Dronfield Court Bus Stop (adj)471 m
Dronfield Court Bus Stop (opp)484 m
Hilton Avenue Bus Stop (o/s 85)584 m
Minster Road Bus Stop (o/s 13)642 m

Airports Near to Glanford Park Stadium

Sandtoft Airfield , UK (11.18 Km)

Cities or Towns near Glanford Park Stadium (15 km)

List of places near to Glanford Park Stadium

Berkeley1.06 Km
Westcliff1.91 Km
Gunness2.23 Km
Crosby2.76 Km
Keadby2.76 Km
Old Brumby2.78 Km
Burringham3.14 Km
Riddings3.21 Km
Scunthorpe3.25 Km
Brumby3.29 Km
Amcotts3.49 Km
Althorpe3.51 Km
Frodingham3.52 Km
Flixborough Stather3.53 Km
Lincoln Gardens3.70 Km
Ashby4.09 Km
Derrythorpe4.13 Km
New Brumby4.24 Km
Yaddlethorpe4.28 Km
Flixborough4.30 Km
Bottesford4.98 Km
East Butterwick5.13 Km
Dragonby5.24 Km
West Butterwick5.83 Km
Normanby6.23 Km
High Risby6.81 Km
Beltoft6.81 Km
Luddington6.94 Km
Messingham6.95 Km
Burton upon Stather7.02 Km
Holme7.06 Km
Santon7.07 Km
Burton Stather7.69 Km
Low Risby7.76 Km
Thealby7.84 Km
North Ewster7.88 Km
Eastoft8.05 Km
Ealand8.16 Km
Roxby8.32 Km
Garthorpe8.37 Km
Woodhouse8.39 Km
Bracon8.43 Km
Fockerby8.55 Km
Grey Green8.66 Km
Manton Warren8.79 Km
Belton8.88 Km
Scotterthorpe8.88 Km
Tetley8.97 Km
Isle of Axholme9.03 Km
Crowle Park9.10 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Glanford Park Stadium

List of Historic places near to Glanford Park Stadium

NameDistances from Glanford Park Stadium
Burringham, St Johns Church3.18 Km
Normanby Hall6.00 Km
Scawby Hall11.27 Km
Gainsthorpe Medieval Village13.16 Km