The flight distance from East Harlsey (England) to Acklam (England) is 12 miles or 19 kilometers or 10 nautical miles.
Driving distance from East Harlsey to Acklam is 13 miles (22 kilometers).
Difference between fly and travel by a car is 1 miles or 3 km.
The driving distance from East Harlsey, England to Acklam, England is 13 miles or 22 km.
The total driving distance from East Harlsey, England to Acklam, England is 13 miles or 22 kilometers. Your trip begins in East Harlsey, England. It ends in Acklam, England.
The driving distance from East Harlsey, England to Acklam, England is approximately 13 miles (22 kilometers), depending on the specific route you take. Without considering any traffic or other delays, driving this distance typically takes around 0 to 1 hours under normal conditions.
You can compare air and road distance between East Harlsey, England and Acklam, England in this summary table of distances in miles and kilometers.
Distance type | Miles | Kilometers |
Driving distance | 13 mi | 22 km |
Straight line distance | 12 mi | 19 km |
Difference | 1 mi | 3 km |
East Harlsey is located in England, UK.
GPS Coordinates | Latitude: N 54° 23' 28.1'' Longitude: W 1° 21' 7.5'' |
Latitude | 54.39114 |
Longitude | -1.35209 |
County | North Yorkshire |
Acklam is located in England, UK.
GPS Coordinates | Latitude: N 54° 32' 34.4'' Longitude: W 1° 15' 15.5'' |
Latitude | 54.5429 |
Longitude | -1.2543 |
County | North Yorkshire |
Average Speed | Travel Time |
30 mph (48 km/h) | 0 hours 27 minutes |
40 mph (64 km/h) | 0 hours 20 minutes |
45 mph (72 km/h) | 0 hours 18 minutes |
50 mph (80 km/h) | 0 hours 16 minutes |
55 mph (88 km/h) | 0 hours 15 minutes |
60 mph (96 km/h) | 0 hours 13 minutes |
65 mph (104 km/h) | 0 hours 12 minutes |
70 mph (112 km/h) | 0 hours 11 minutes |